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Doorenbos, S.G.A.
Discussion id : 56-623
most recent 12 AUG 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 AUG 11 by Jay-Jay
Mr. Doorenbos, as parkkeeping director of The Hague, was involved in the construction/creation of the park: Het Zuiderpark. (and the Westbroekpark too, well known for its Rosarium and the "The Hague rose-awards")

"Betula utilis Doorenbos" and "Symphoricarpos Doorenbosii" are examples of trees and shrubs named after him.
Discussion id : 30-966
most recent 16 OCT 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 OCT 08 by Don H
S.G.A. Doorenbos was a well known dendrologist who is memorialized by the Netherland Dendrological Society through two awards, the Silver and Bronze Doorenbos Medals.


Doorenbos was responsible for building Zuiderpark in The Hague, and he designed the Rosarium there which was built in 1932 (and has been recently renovated).


Doorenbos coauthored the book titled "Greenery and Flowers in the Hague":

BAKKER SCHUT, P., S.G.A. DOORENBOS & A. SCHIERBEEK, Groen en bloemen in Den Haag. 's-Grv., 1936. 175 pp.

His biography is given in "SGA Doorenbos : leven en werk SGA Doorenbos: Life and Work", Belder J., Dendroflora V20 pp. 15-24. Dutch dendrological Association (Boskoop) (1983), available at the Wageningen University library:

"Overview of the life and work of the former director of the Department of City parks in Den Haag who also during his decades stamp printed on the Dutch dendrological Association and the International Society Dendrology"

Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 OCT 08 by HMF Admin
Thanks Don.
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