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Smith, William
Discussion id : 117-927
most recent 7 AUG 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 AUG 19 by CybeRose
The British Flower Garden Vol. 3, 1835
By Robert Sweet
Rhododendron indicum; var. speciosum
This splendid variety was raised at Coombe Wood, the seat of the late Earl of Liverpool, by Mr. William Smith, who has now transferred his choice collection of Roses and Rhododendrons to Norbiton Common, near Kingston, Surrey, where he cultivates an ample store of novelties for sale.
Discussion id : 73-409
most recent 7 AUG 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 AUG 13 by CybeRose
The Gardener's Magazine and Register of Rural ..., Volume 7; 1831 p 479

(The Florist's Guide and Cultivator's Directory, &c. By Robert Sweet, F.L.S. &c
XLVIII. for June)

"Mr. Smith, of Coombe Wood, will have several very distinct and curious hybrid roses in flower this season; among the rest he has a seedling, from Rosa odorata var. flavescens, with leaves like those of the yellow Austrian; this must certainly be fine, and will doubtless be yellow in colour.

(This is not the Noisette, and I have not been able to trace it afterwards. Still, it's interesting that Smith was apparently way ahead of Pernet.)
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