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Stuart Low & Co.
Discussion id : 167-344
most recent 29 MAY HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 MAY by Cambridgelad
Stuart Henry Low, who died on 22 April, 1890, ran a nursery and florist business in Warwick Rd, Upper Clapton Road, Middlesex. Born in 1826, he was the son of Hugh, who was also a nurseryman. Stuart Henry (Snr) was later joined in the family business by a number of his sons included Stuart Henry (Jnr).
Discussion id : 167-308
most recent 27 MAY HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 MAY by Cambridgelad
Based at Crowborough in Sussex, Stuart was better known for his orchids.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 27 MAY by jedmar
It seems that Stuart Low & Co was at Enfield, Middlesex during the time concerned
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