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Penzance, Lord
Discussion id : 108-720
most recent 24 FEB 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 FEB 18 by CybeRose
The Garden 49: 488-489 (June 27, 1896)
*A paper by the Rt. Hon. Lord Penzance in "The Rosarian's Year-Book," 1895.
As I have mentioned the Hybrid Street Briers I will pause a moment to make known a fact which I only became aware of in this autumn of 1895. It occurred to me to have the hips of the Hybrid Sweet Briers cut off, and I only regret that it did not occur to me earlier in the season. They were already of a bright red colour, and formed very pretty objects, but I thought it would add to the strength and health of the plant to part with them. I certainly was not prepared for the result, for all the plants, with one or two exception, took to blooming freely a second time. During all August and September, and, indeed, until the arrival of the sharp frost in the latter part of October, I had three or four glasses of these blooms on my breakfast table every morning, perfuming the room with the very sweet scent of their flowers. From this experience I conclude that if the flowers are cut off as soon as they fade in summer, and the hips not allowed to form themselves, the autumnal flowering would be still more remarkable and abundant.
Reply #1 of 7 posted 24 FEB 18 by Margaret Furness
It makes you wonder if England had unusual weather that summer.
Reply #2 of 7 posted 24 FEB 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Apart from a cold start to the year 1895 had a fairly average summer, some dryness, some rain, some heat, some cold, a typical British summer.
R. arvensis has some remontancy if cut back after flowering but I have never seen any rebloom on R. rubiginosa or R.canina.
Reply #3 of 7 posted 24 FEB 18 by Margaret Furness
What a good memory you have! Sorry...
Reply #4 of 7 posted 24 FEB 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Lol, it was actually Met. Office data.
I can actually remember events in my very early childhood in great detail, however the 1990's are rather sketchy...
Maybe there was a little more in the three or four glasses on Lord P.'s breakfast table than just roses and he only thought he saw autumn flowers...
Reply #6 of 7 posted 24 FEB 18 by Margaret Furness
Ooh, what a thing to say about the good judge!
Reply #5 of 7 posted 24 FEB 18 by CybeRose
Kim Rupert has reported similarly about 'Schoener's Nutkana'. The hips should be allowed to remain until they have begun to color. Then they are removed to induce repeat bloom.

Repeat bloom arises from the same shoots (often laterals) that have already bloomed earlier in the season. New flowering shoots arise a bud or a few behind the original inflorescence. Some repeat blooming climbers do this without special encouragement.

American Rose Magazine 3(5): 86 (September-October 1939)
How Remontant Climbers Act
Mrs. Thomas Howell Scott, Atlanta, Ga.

I have been watching my Climbers this season to see from what part of the bloom lateral the second, third, and fourth blooms come.

Comtesse Vandal (climber) had 60 beautiful blooms during the first two weeks of May. By the middle of June it repeated with 21 or more. Most of these second-bloom laterals came from the original flower-head cluster (if the first flowers grew in cluster of two or three), or from the first eye below the bloom.

Countess of Stradbroke was a beautiful sight in May, specimen blooms on long lateral stems the entire length of the canes. This also repeated in June. The bloom laterals in this variety came from the third or fourth eyes of the original lateral.

Daydream has had a bountiful second crop, all new bloom laterals starting from the old cluster where I was careful to remove hips only, not more than an inch of stem.

Kitty Kininmonth repeated with new laterals.

Mermaid hasn't been without bloom yet; it is an immense "unpruned, rambling shrub" with 12-foot canes. New flowers and new laterals come from the old clusters. I couldn't clean up even the old hips if I wanted to.

Cl. Etoile de Hollande and New Dawn also repeat from the first cluster, Etoile spasmodically, New Dawn constantly (last year).

Good old Cl. Sunburst has always repeated every month. It is now ten years old and seems to be losing "pep.'' The few repeats are on new laterals from the second or third eye from the large cane.

Let's check our Climbers so we will know where and when to cut flowers with stems!
Reply #7 of 7 posted 24 FEB 18 by Margaret Furness
Thank you. I should look at my Mme Gregoire Staechelin, which usually gives a modest second flowering and a small third one.
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