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Thomas, Captain George C.
Discussion id : 139-165
most recent 8 MAR 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 MAR 23 by Cambridgelad
He was more famous for being the designer of 20 golf courses.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 8 MAR 23 by Margaret Furness
Depends on your perspective.
Discussion id : 72-355
most recent 13 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 JUN 13 by Nastarana
When did Capt. Thomas remove from Pennsylvania to California?

The American Rose Annual, 1918 has an article by him in which he gives a list of roses retained and roses discarded in his new garden. The list has many teas; I am wondering if he grew teas in Pennsylvania.
Discussion id : 43-199
most recent 16 MAR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 MAR 10 by Unregistered Guest
Did I read somewhere that Capt George Thomas' wife demolished his garden after his death?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 MAR 10 by Cass
That's the story I've heard from Southern California rosarians. I don't recall reading it in a publication.
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