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Rose and peony Breeder
Listing last updated on Wed Dec 2024
Desio, Lombardia 20033 Italy
Luigi Casoretti (1812-1879), son of Giovanni Casoretti (1797-1846), rose breeder (see).
[From "Hof- und Staats-Handbuch des Kaiserthumes Österreich für das Jahr 1858", Part 6, Vienna, p. 88:] K.K. [Kaiserliche und königliche - Imperial and Royal] University in Pavia ...Faculty of Medicine...Botanical gardener. Casoretti Luigi.
[From "Annuario-statistico della provincia di Milano", 1864, p. 397:] Botanical garden..Casoretti Luigi, Head gardener and custodian
[From "Memorie dell' I.R. Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere et arti", 1897, p.141:] Serie die Giardinieri-Botanici....1858-1870 Luigi Casoretti