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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Complete Book of Roses (Krüssmann 1981)
(1981)  Page(s) 304.  
Adélaide d'Orléans. R. sempervirens hybrid. (Jacques, 1826). Pale pink, semi-double, in clusters; very floriferous; buds small; strong grower, 5 m./16.5 ft. high.
(1981)  Page(s) 99.  
1826 'Adélaide d'Orléans' (Jacques), pale rose.
(1981)  Page(s) 306.  
Amadis. LCl. (Laffay, 1829). Also known as 'Crimson Bourault' [sic]; R, chinensis x R. pendulina. Flowers deep carmine-purple, sometimes with white spots, semi-double, cup-shaped, nearly scentless, flowers a long time; stems whitish-green, later purplish-brown, without prickles and pruionose; in mild climates up to 5 m./16.5 ft. tall; not fruiting.
(1981)  Page(s) 306.  
Améthyste. R. (Nonin, 1911). Sport of 'Non Plus Ultra'. Crimson-violet, small-flowered, very double, but in large trusses, flowers only once, on very long and arching stems; foliage glossy.
(1981)  Page(s) 266.  
R. x Andersonii Hillier & Sons 1912. (R. canina x R. gallica?) Growth medium-strong, 2 m./6.6 ft., branches arching, strongly armed; leaflets 5, acuminate, downy beneath; flowers clear pink, single, 5-7, 5 cm./2 in. across, saucer-shaped, floriferous over a long period; fruits similar to R. canina., scarlet-red.
Plants in cultivation in W. Germany under this name do not belong to this form, but nearly always to R. collina andersonii.
(1981)  Page(s) 159.  
Mondial Roses...Hybridized themselves 'Antonella'...
(1981)  Page(s) 98.  
1767 The Edinburgh Botanic Garden sent a man to North America to collect new and unknown plants. He brought back a strong, vigorous rose which soon attracted the attention of gardeners in Ayrshire. At first it was called the 'Orangefield Rose' but this was later changed to the 'Ayrshire Rose'. This rose was unrelated to the true Ayrshires, which came later, for, in spite of conflicting reports, it seems clear that this was a hybrid of Rosa setigera.
circa 1830 Scottish gardeners like Brown of Perth, Martin of Dundee, and Robert Austin of Glasgow began hybridizing with these roses which were given the collective name of 'Ayrshire Roses'. There were about 60 varieties in all, and all were crosses between R. arvensis and other contemporary roses, although some were just chance seedlings; not much is known about them today since very few of them still exist. They were mostly white to pink, double, with little or no scent, but the growth was strong and hardy and they were used as the climbers of their day.
(1981)  Page(s) 159.  
Mondial Roses...Hybridized themselves....'Bel Canto'...
(1981)  Page(s) 104.  
Empress Josephine's collection of roses...
52. 'Belle Biblis' Prov.
(1981)  Page(s) 67.  
F.L. Skinner, Dropmore, Canada crossed R. blanda with a Hybrid Perpetual and in 1925 obtained 'Betty Bland'. It is deep pink, semi-double and the best known of its type.
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