Roses in the Fire of Spring
(2023) Page(s) 131-132. [Mikinori Ogisu] brought a red rose on a small stem, and told us that it was one of the very many 'China roses' that gre wild in China, and were totally unknown to the Western world. The Four Stud Chinas and a few others were but a fraction of what was there in China, he told us. He had given this rose the name Rosa x odorata 'Edo Crimson'. .... Some years later, in 2008, he had Yuki write to us to tell us that he was writing a book of his China trips and the plants he had seen and collected, and he was planning togive the name 'Komachi' for this rose which he had told us earlier he had called 'Edo Crimson'. ....Komachi...was a famous Waka poet...of the early Heian period, and had probbaly lived c. 825-900 CE. She was noted as a rare beauty , and now her name is a symbol of a beautiful woman in Japan...