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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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New Brunswick Nurseries catalog, New Jersey
(1921)  Page(s) [1].  
Hybrid Teas or Everblooming Varieties
$1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 
Amalie De Greiff. Rose color, tinted white; blooms long and shapely. Splendid variety for cutting.
(1921)  Page(s) [1].  
Hybrid Teas or Everblooming Varieties
$1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 
Antoine Rivoire. Rosy flesh on yellow ground, edged with deep carmine, base yellow. A delightful combination.
(1921)  Page(s) [1].  
Hybrid Teas or Everblooming Varieties
$1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 
Arthur R. Goodwin. A splendid Rose, presenting a wonderful transformation in color. When the buds first open the color is copper mixed with orange-red; later this is replaced by soft salmon-pink.
(1921)  Page(s) [2].  
Hybrid Teas or Everblooming Varieties
$1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 
Augustine Guinoisseau. The blooms are white, overlaid with soft blush, fragrant. Very free bloomer
(1921)  Page(s) [2].  
Hybrid Teas or Everblooming Varieties
$1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 
Betty. Blooms extra large, full and globular, with a delightful fragrance. Color coppery rose overspread with golden yellow. Good autumn bloomer.
(1921)  Page(s) [4].  
Climbing Hybrid Teas 
$1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 
Climbing Etoile de France. A handsome flower, soft velvety crimson on the outer petals and vivid cerise in the center.
(1921)  Page(s) [5].  
Climbing Hybrid Teas 
$1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 
Climbing Gruss an Teplitz. A vigorous climber, attaining a height of 10 to 15 feet in a single season. When it first blooms in the spring it is a dazzling sheet of velvety crimson. Each bloom is produced singly on long stems, the same as the bush variety so well known. It produces blooms throughout the growing season.
(1921)  Page(s) [4].  
Climbing Hybrid Teas 
$1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 
Climbing La France. A counterpart of the popular bush type except for its climbing habit.
(1921)  Page(s) [5].  
Climbing Hybrid Teas 
$1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 
Climbing Lady Ashtown. This lovely climber has exquisite flowers of pale carmine-pink, shading to golden yellow at the base. The blooms are large, globular, and well formed, with high center. A profuse bloomer.
(1921)  Page(s) [5].  
Climbing Hybrid Teas 
$1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 
Climbing Pink Killarney. Clear, bright pink. A very attractive and vigorous-growing variety that will be as popular as the old Pink Killarney.
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