Bulletin of Popular Information, Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University
(28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. TWENTY BEST LARGE-FLOWERED HYBRIDS OBTAINABLE IN THIS COUNTRY Duchess of Albany* [see footnote] Texensis Type All bloom on new wood except Belle of Woking and Sir Garnet Wolseley
*Or any other Texensis Hybrid, Duchess of York, Countess of Onslow, Grace Darling, Admiration, all with trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink or scarlet.
(28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. TWENTY BEST LARGE-FLOWERED HYBRIDS OBTAINABLE IN THIS COUNTRY Ascotiensis, azure-blue, Viticella Type All bloom on new wood except Belle of Woking and Sir Garnet Wolseley
(28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. TWENTY BEST LARGE-FLOWERED HYBRIDS OBTAINABLE IN THIS COUNTRY Belle of Woking, double, silvery-gray, Florida Type All bloom on new wood except Belle of Woking and Sir Garnet Wolseley
(28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. TWENTY BEST LARGE-FLOWERED HYBRIDS OBTAINABLE IN THIS COUNTRY Comtesse de Bouchaud, satiny rose, Jackmani Type All bloom on new wood except Belle of Woking and Sir Garnet Wolseley
(28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. TWENTY BEST LARGE-FLOWERED HYBRIDS OBTAINABLE IN THIS COUNTRY Duchess of Albany* [see footnote] Texensis Type All bloom on new wood except Belle of Woking and Sir Garnet Wolseley
*Or any other Texensis Hybrid, Duchess of York, Countess of Onslow, Grace Darling, Admiration, all with trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink or scarlet.
(28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. TWENTY BEST LARGE-FLOWERED HYBRIDS OBTAINABLE IN THIS COUNTRY Crimson King, bright red, Lanuginosa Type All bloom on new wood except Belle of Woking and Sir Garnet Wolseley
(28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. TWENTY BEST LARGE-FLOWERED HYBRIDS OBTAINABLE IN THIS COUNTRY Duchess of Albany* [see footnote] Texensis Type All bloom on new wood except Belle of Woking and Sir Garnet Wolseley
*Or any other Texensis Hybrid, Duchess of York, Countess of Onslow, Grace Darling, Admiration, all with trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink or scarlet.
(28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. TWENTY BEST LARGE-FLOWERED HYBRIDS OBTAINABLE IN THIS COUNTRY Duchess of Albany* [see footnote] Texensis Type All bloom on new wood except Belle of Woking and Sir Garnet Wolseley
*Or any other Texensis Hybrid, Duchess of York, Countess of Onslow, Grace Darling, Admiration, all with trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink or scarlet.
(28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. Other beautiful varieties not yet available here [in the U.S.] are W. E. Gladstone (lilac), Otto Froebel (gray with a lovely flush), Perle d'Azur (light blue), blooming on new wood, and La Lorraine (pink suffused with lavender) and Edouard Desfossé (violet with deeper bars), blooming on old wood.
(28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. TWENTY BEST LARGE-FLOWERED HYBRIDS OBTAINABLE IN THIS COUNTRY Elsa Späth, bright blue, Lanuginosa Type All bloom on new wood except Belle of Woking and Sir Garnet Wolseley