David Austin's 2001 Handbook of Roses (USA)
(2001) Page(s) 8. Includes photo(s). Dr. Herbert Gray (AUSfar) David Austin 1998... The color is a strong clear pink, paling a little towards the edges...
(2001) Page(s) 7. Includes photo(s). Anne Boleyn (AUSecret) Austin 1999... a soft, warm, pink... produced in large sprays... Anne Bolern was one of the eight wives of King Henry VIII...
(2001) Page(s) 15. Includes photo(s). John Clare™ (AUScent) David Austin 1994... One of the most prolific of the English Roses... informally cupped, deep pink flowers... Very nearly thornless... Named after John Clare, the rural poet, for the John Clare Society...
(2001) Page(s) 19. Includes photo(s). Mary Magdalene™ (AUSjolly) David Austin 1998... The flowers are of a soft apricot-pink coloring, with delicate silky petals arranged around a button eye itself made up of many small petals... Named for the church St. Mary Magdalene, Albrighton, the village where the nursery is situated in the UK...
(2001) Page(s) 24. Includes photo(s). Portmeirion (AUSgard) David Austin, 1999... a clear, rich deep pink color... named for Portmeirion Potteries Ltd; famous for their Botanic Garden and other beautiful designs by Susan Williams Ellis...
(2001) Page(s) 25. Includes photo(s). Radio Times (AUSsal) David Austin 1994... the purist, freshest pink coloring so rarely found in modern bush roses... Named to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the first publication of the Radio Times -- essential reading for radio listeners and televion viewers in the UK...
(2001) Page(s) 29. Includes photo(s). Sophy's Rose (AUSlot) David Austin 1997... The rosette shaped flowers are an attractive light red... 'Sophy's Rose' was named for the Dyslexia Association...
(2001) Page(s) 31. Includes photo(s). Tess of the d'Urbervilles (AUSmove) David Austin 1998... Large fragrant flowers of bright crimson colouring... Named after the character from Thomas Hardy's novel...