(1979) Page(s) 218 vol. 64.
Rosa alabukensis V. Тkaczenko sp. nov. (Sect. Leucanthae М. Рор. et Сhrshan.)
Frutex ad 2.5 m altus, parce ramosus, ramis viridibus, hornotinis viridibus glauco-pruinosis. Аculei hamati, basi dilatata decurrente, firmi, basi foliorum bini, rarius terni. Folia imparipinnata, foliolis (3) 5-9, terminali lateralibus submajore, oblongo-ovalibus 1.2-4 (4.5) cm longis, 0.6-1.7 (2.2) cm latis, margine acute serrato-dentatis subtus dense breviter pilosis, supra breviter pilosis, rhachide dense breviter pilosa, aculeolis parvis solitariis munita. Flores 3.7-4.8 cm in diam. albi, apice ramulorum floriferorum in inflorescentiis corymbosis dispositi. Pedicelli 0.5-1.8 cm longi, glandulis brevibus sparse tecti. Hypanthium globosum vel subglobosum, glabrum. Sepala integra, extus dense pilosa, basi margine glandulis brevibus solitariis tecta, post anthesin divaricata unacum disco decidus. Fructus maturi aurantiaco-rubri.
Fl. Маjo exeunte—Junio; fr. Augusto—Septembri. Турus: specimen N 35 180 in dendrario reservato Horti Botanici Acad. Sci. RSS Kirghiziae e seminibus enatum, quae a V. I. Tkaczenko in angustiis fl. Alabuka jugi Czatkalensis 30 VIII 1964 lecta sunt (LE).
Paratypus: jugum Ferganense in angustiis fl. Arslanbob; in viciniis cataractae magnae 28 VIII 1973, V. I. Тkaczenko.
Наbitatio: in regione arboreo-fruticosa ad ripas fluviorum et in declivibus argilloso-schistosis plus minusve humidis.
Distributio: jugo Czatkalense, Uzunachmaticum et Ferganense (Tjan-Schan occidentalis).
Аffinitas: А specie proxima Rosa beggerana Schrenk foliolis majoribus oblongo-ovalibus et dense pilosis (nec parvis ovatis pro more apice acutatis glabris vel subtus breviter pilosis), floribus majoribus in inflorescentiam corymbosam congestis nec non oecologia differt.
Rosa alabukensis in angustiis clausis regionis montium arboreo-fruticosae per soboles propagatur et fruticeta densa format, floret Маio exeunte — Junio ineunte; Rosa beggerana Schrenk vero in vallibus apertis speciminibus solitariis crescit.
Approximate translation - refer Comments.
Botanical Journal - Ботанический журнал
Magazine (1979) Page (s) 218 Vol. 64.
V. Тkaczenko rose alabukensis sp. nov. (Sect. LEUCANTHA М. Рор. And Сhrshan.)
Bush to 2.5 m tall, spare branched branches of green, gray-green hornotinis shivers. Аculei Hamas base widened flowing firm base of the leaves on two, rarely three. Leaves odd leaflets (3) 5-9, terminal side submajore, oblong-oval 1.2-4 (4.5) cm long, 0.6-1.7 (2.2) cm wide margin sharp serrated teeth densely short-hairy, hairy briefly above; rhachide densely short hairy aculeolis small solitary protected. Flowers 3.7-4.8 cm in diameter. white, inflorescences corymbosis disposed in the apex of the branches floriferorum. Pedicelli 0.5-1.8 cm long, short, sparse glands. Hypanthium globose, smooth. Sepals entire, densely hairy base margin on short glands solitary buildings after flowering divarieata learn along the grass. Ripe fruit of the orange-red in color.
Blooms. end of Маy to June; Fruit. August-September. Турus specimen 35 N 180 in the Dendrological Reserve of the Botanic Garden of the Kirghiz SSR Academy of Sciences from seeds which V. I. Tkaczenko collected in the Tshatkal river valley at the Alabuka region on 30 July 1964.
Paratype: Fergana region in the Arslanbob valley; near the large cataracts on 28 August 1973, by V. I. Тkaczenko.
Наbitat: in wooded bushy regions on the banks of the rivers and on more or less humid clay-slaty slopes.
Distribution: In the Tschatkal, Uzunachmat and Fergana regions (western Tien-Shan).
Аffinity: А species close to Rosa beggeriana Schrenk with larger oblong-ovoid foliage and dense hair (or small ovate with more acute smooth tips or shorter hair below), larger blooms in corymbose inflorescences even when the ecology does not differ.
Rosa alabukensis propagates itself in closed valleys of woody-shrubby mountain regions by suckers and with abundant hips, blossoms end of Маy to the beginning of June, however solitary examples of Rosa beggeriana Schrenk in open valleys is increasing.