A Catalogue of Greenhouse Plants, Hardy Trees and Shrubs, etc.
(1783) Page(s) 58. burgundensis - Blush Rose de Meux. burgund. major - Great Blush Rose de Meux. burgund. humilis - Dwarf Bl. or Pompone Burgundy. burgund. kermesina - Crimson Burgundy Rose.
(1783) Page(s) 59. Rosa menst. portlandica Portland Crimson Monthly Rose.
(1783) Page(s) 59. Rosa menstrua Red-flowered Monthly Rose.
(1783) Page(s) 59. Rosa menstrua alba White-flowered Monthly Rose.
(1783) Page(s) 59. Rosa menst. corymbosa Red Cluster-flowered Monthly Rose. (Best for forcing).
(1783) Page(s) 59. Rosa menst. variegata Striped-flowered Monthly Rose.
(1783) centif. stebonensis - Stepney Hundred-Ieaved Rose.