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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Wayside Gardens
(1948)  Page(s) 102.  Includes photo(s).
Buff King Large-flowered Horvath setigera hybrid. Color of Flower: Amber and buff shafings, difficult to describe. Buds ovoid, deep amber colored, opening into large cup-shaped flowers which are produced on spur branches both on main stock and laterals, 12 to 15 inches long. This is the amber-colored form of Doubloons. Foliage: Glaucous green and healthy. Seldom affected by black spot or other Rose maladies. Hardiness: Can be successfully grown with protection in the colder regions where growing Roses heretofore has not been possible or exceedingly difficult. Size of Plant: Ultimate height 10 to 12 feet. Canes are very plentiful which is in part responsible for the tremendous amount of flowers produced.
(1948)  Page(s) 102.  Includes photo(s).
Federation (U.S. Plant Patent No. 287) Climbing Rosa Setigera Hybrid by Horvath. Color of Flower: Lively, brilliant and sparkling rose pink with lighter center, iridescent orange undertone. Flowers are produced in very large quantities in bracts on stems 12 to 24 inches long, individual blooms 3,5 inches in diameter. Petals wavy and crested forming charming, cuplike, semi-double flowers which have from 24 to 36 petals. Excellent for cutting. Very sweetly scented. Foliage: Rich green, quite dark. We have never seen black spot or mildew on this variety in our test garden for four years. Would say absolutely mildew proof. Hardiness: Hardy without protection in the Temperate Zone. Can be successfully grown with protection in the colder regions where growing Roses heretofore has not been possible or exceedingly difficult. Size of Plant: Ultimate height 10 to 12 feet. Canes are very plentiful which is in part responsible for the tremendous amount of flowers produced.
(1948)  Page(s) 91.  Includes photo(s).
Glorious (Plant Patent Applied For) The extremely vigorous bushes of “Gorgious” are well branched, producing strong canes that devide into many open sprays, bearing informal clusters of deep vermiglion buds, expanding into semi-double flowers of Tyrian rose. It can be truthfully said, the flowers cover the plants. Taking the liberty to choose from the entire Rose family, it would be impossible to surpass the new Rose “Glorious” for the purpose of bordering drives or walks, for mass planting or grouping, in fact, for any situation where a wealth of color is desired. Its name was given by the many visitors to the nursery. From all who beheld this fine new Rose in bloom, came the exclamation;: “It is glorious!” – and so the Rose was named.
(1944)  Includes photo(s).
Golden Lion (Propagating Rights Reserved)

Color of Flower: Clear sparkling golden yellow flowers in clusters on spur bronches. Flowers ore open and cup shaped. Buds are ovoid and slightly deeper tinted. Flowers not unlike Doubloons in form when fully open but of much better, clearer yellow.

Foliage: Light green and shiny. No mildew or blackspot in test for three years.

Hardiness: Can be successfully grown with protection in colder regions.

Size of Plant: Ultimate height about 8 to 10 feet. Canes ore very plentiful and not overly thorny. Exceptionally fine variety for tying flat against fence or wall. Each $2.50, Doz. $25.00
(1948)  Page(s) 102.  
Hercules (U.S. Plant Patent No. 296) Giant Deep Pink Climber Rosa Setigera Hybrid by Horvath. Color of Flower: Clear, deep rose-pink of same shade as Dame Edith Helen. The flowers are huge, fully 5 to 6 inches across when fully open. Slow in opening , lasting a long time. The flowers though large, are refined and equal the finest Hybrid Tea Rose. Flowers are produced abundantly on spur branches both on main stalk and laterals, 1 to 2 feet long. They are stiff and bear their heavy load without bending. Flowers do not droop, having a very stiff neck, have from 50 to 55 petals. The appearance of this plant is one of noble ruggedness. Without a doubt the finest pink large-flowered climber to date. Foliage: The rich, shining, bronzy green leaves are larger than those of the Mahonia or Oregon Grape and are ornamental in themselves. Hardiness: Can be successfully grown with protection in the colder regions where growing Roses heretofore has not been possible or exceedingly difficult. Size of Plant: Ultimate height 14 to 15 feet.
(1947)  Page(s) 102.  Includes photo(s).
Mabelle Stearns (U.S. Plant Patent No. 297)
Perpetual Flowering Dooryard Rose
A Rosa setigera Hybrid by Horvath
The Rose that Never Fails!
Color of Flower: Peach-blossom pink with silvery reflexed, sharply recurving imbricated petals, center showing a lovely orange undertone. Flowers in panicles. Persistent grower and bloomer. Flowering period starting in June, lasting until frost; starts blooming about two weeks later than Hybrid Tea Roses, but is never without flowers the entire summer and fall. Flowers excellent for cutting and decorative work, are fully double, having from 50 to 60 petals, and are delightfully fragrant, lasting a week to ten days in water when cut.
Foliage: Bottle-green, rich and clean. Not troubled with black spot, mildew or other Rose maladies.
Hardiness: Hardy without protection in the Temperate Zone. Can be successfully grown with little protection in the colder regions where growing Roses heretofore has not been possible or exceedingly difficult.
Use and Size of Plant: Ultimate height about 2 feet, spreading from 5 to 6 feet or more if permitted. It is a decumbent, spreading, matlike plant, making it pre-eminently fit for ground covering, hiding rocky and ugly spots, or as edging to Rose beds as well as planting in solid beds or covering slopes. Single specimens are very effective in the flower border or low shrub plantings. Each $2.00, Dozen $20.00
(1948)  Page(s) 100.  Includes photo(s).
Meda (U.S. Plant Patent No. 518) Large-Flowered Shrimp-Pink Climber Rosa Setigera Hybrid by Horvath. Color of Flower: The outer petals are a beautiful pale buff-shrimp-pink, increasing in intensity to a deeper and richer shading towards the center, until a beautiful tone of rose-pink has been reached. The petals are imbricated and artistically formed, resembling dozens of shining seashells, shaping the flower into the perfect form of a Hybrid Tea Rose. The flowers occur singly or in clusters of three on side laterals which are 10 to 12 inches long. Flowers are produced abundantly on spur branches both on main stalk and laterals, 1 to 2 feet long, a perfect length for cutting. The buds are perfectly formed and open into flowers with high centers. The size of the flowers when fully open measures 3,5 to 4 inches across. Foliage: Leaves are of leathery texture, deep bottle-green and practically immune to black spot, mildew or other Rose maladies. Hardiness: Can be successfully grown with protection in the colder regions. Size of Plant: Ultimate height about 10 to 12 feet. Stems are heavy and canelike, requiring little support. Can be grown to resemble a huge Rose bush, by cutting back branches to three, four or five, or whatever size bush is desired.
(1942)  Page(s) 58.  
New Shrub Roses
Rosa Hybrida Nevada (New)
A superb new shrub Rose which grows about 3 to 4 feet tall. In spring it is covered with enormous nearly single flowers 5 inches across. The buds are soft pink gradually fading to snow-white. The superb beauty of the flower is enhanced by a large bunch of golden yellow anthers. The plant is well covered with a healthy trouble free pale green foliage. Here is a superb novelty for the shrubbery border.
(1948)  Page(s) 87.  
San Fernando (Plant Patent Applied for) The introduction of this grand Rose is an important milestone in the production of better red Roses. Competent judges who have seen the elegant red Rose in bloom, rank it high among the best of its color. The bright vermilion buds are long and pointed, opening into fully double flowers of vermilion-scarlet. In addition to the elegant form and brilliant color SAN FERNANDO has another outstanding quality – intense and lasting fragrance. The vigorous growth, fine foliage, brilliant color and pointed form are sufficient qualities to racommend any Rose, but when you add the spicy old rose fragrance to these qualities, it can be thuthfully said that San Fernando, the new red Rose, will be among the leading varieties for a long time to come.
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