Proof of the Pudding 1928
(29 Feb 1928) Page(s) 141. Admiration [Reports from around the country.] No one seems very enthusiastic over 'Admiration'. It lacks "punch," and just misses being very good.
(29 Feb 1928) Page(s) 141. Agnes [Reports from around the country.] 'Agnes is a rose for the North only. You folks in the South would do well to tend your Teas and let the Rugosas alone!
(29 Feb 1928) Page(s) 141. Albertine [Reports from around the country.] J.H. Nicolas wrote: "'Albertine', 'Jacotte', and 'Mme. Gregoire Staechlin' are the aristocrats of hardy climbers. Planted together, in that order, what a wonderful triptych!"... 'Albertine' is anything but "ordinary." The flowers recall 'Mrs. A.R. Waddell', 'Lady Pirrie', and others of the yellowish salmon-pink, half-double Hybrid Teas.
(29 Feb 1928) Page(s) 141. [Under the entry for 'Albertine'] J.H. Nicolas wrote: "'Albertine', 'Jacotte', and 'Mme. Gregoire Staechlin' are the aristocrats of hardy climbers. Planted together, in that order, what a wonderful triptych!"
(29 Feb 1928) Page(s) 141. [Under the entry for 'Albertine'] J.H. Nicolas wrote: "'Albertine', 'Jacotte', and 'Mme. Gregoire Staechlin' are the aristocrats of hardy climbers. Planted together, in that order, what a wonderful triptych!"