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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Morden. (Morden Research Centre)
Expermimental Farm, Morden Manitoba
Progress Report 1955-1959

"A new rose variety, Assiniboine was developed and released. It was a first-generation seedling from Donald Prior x Rosa arkansana. It produces an ascending shrub 3 to 3.5 feet in height. Leaves usually have seven leaflets. Flowers, which form in corymbs or singly, are borne in July and occasionally throughout the summer. Flowers are moderately large, with 10 petals, and strong reddish-purple (10RP 3.5/10 Nickerson) in color, with yellow stamens and fertile pollen. Tips frequently winterkill but established plants flower freely, even when cut to the ground. The variety propagates well from softwood cuttings."
(1954)  Page(s) 41.  
Experimental Farm, Morden Manitoba Progress Report 1947-1954
Seed of Hansen Hedge rose was received from the Forest Nursery Station, Sutherland, Sask., and given a sixty-day period in 40 degree storage, after which the seed flats were taken into the greenhouse where the temperature was maintained at 50 to 55 degrees. Germination took place within three weeks. About 45 per cent of the seed sprouted. This rose makes a hardy upright-growing plant five feet high and is valuable as a source of winter food for birds. It bears an abundance of bright red hips."
(1966)  Page(s) 9.  
Research Report, 1966, Research Station, Morden, Manitoba p.9

"Rosa 'Metis' (Rosa nitida x R. 'Therese Bugnet') - Dense, finely branched shrub 3 feet high; lower parts of the stems dense with smallish, straight thorns; upper stems and branches almost thornless; deep brownish-red bark. Leaves small, glossy green turning dark red in the autumn, leaflets usually 9. Flowers double, soft amaranth rose (R.H.S.) 2RP 7.5/9 (Munsell) in color, season bloom July. Fruits roundish, bright red. 0.5 inch across, slightly bristly, calyx prominent and persistent. A good, hardy shrub rose with continuing interest throughout the year and resistant to black spot. The male parent is a complex hybrid of R. acicularis Lindl., R. amblyotis C.A. May., R. blanda Ait., and R. rugosa Thumb. R. nitida Willd. is native in the range from Connecticut to Newfoundland."
(1977)  Includes photo(s).
Hardy Fruits and Ornamentals from Morden, Manitoba, Agriculture Canada Publication 1628, 1977

"R. 'Metis' - Introduced in 1967 from the controlled cross R. nitida x R. 'Therese Bugnet'. Plant hardy, 1 - 1.5 m in height, finely branched; bark deep brownish red, many straight thorns on lower parts, almost spineless above; leaves small, glossy green, turning red in the autumn, usually 9 leaflets, resistant to black spot; flowers double, soft amaranth rose, blooming in July; fruit roundish, 1.3 cm in diam, bright reddish pink. (Fig 16)"
Rosa Prairie Charm, formerly R5645 (Rosa Prairie Youth x Rosa Prairie Wren). Height 4 feet; stems arching; foliage pale green, somewhat like that of R. spinosissima altaica, resistant to blackspot; flowers produced freely; semi-double, bright salmon-coral, nonrecurrent petals with wavy margins; stamens numerous, golden; season of bloom early in July."

W.A. Cummings, Experimental Farm, Morden, Manitoba, Progress Report 1955-1959
Rosa Prairie Dawn, formerly R5685 (Rosa Prairie Youth x Morden sel. RV120). Height 3 feet; upright habit; foliage dark green, glossy; flowers 2 to 2 1/2 inches across, double, sunworthy, glowing pink, no trace of magenta on fading, petals of good substance; season of bloom early July and intermittently throughout the summer.

W.A. Cummings, Experimental Farm, Morden, Manitoba, Progress Report 1955-1559
W.A Cumming, Experimental Farm, Morden, Manitoba, Progress Report, 1955-1959

Rosa Prairie Maid, formerly RV11061 [(Rosa Ophelia x R. rugosa Turkes Samling) x R. spin, altaica]. Height 3 feet, compact; foliage medium-green, good texture; resistant to blackspot; flowers double, about 25 petals and petaloides, cream, sweetly scented; season of bloom July with a few blooms later in the season.
(2 Nov 1946)  
Weekly Notes. Dominion Experimental Station, Morden, Manitoba.
Document located in Frank Leith Skinner papers at the Archives of Manitoba

Prairie Sailor The parent plant of Prairie Sailor is a cross of Dr. W. Van Fleet and Turkes Rugosa Samling. It is a vigorous plant of pillar or climbing habit with large double cup-shaped flowers. The blooms closely resemble those of the pollen parent in size and form, but are of a deeper pink colouring. The foliage is distinctive and glossy. At Morden it is not hardy. The cross was made in 1929.
The plant was crossed with Rosa altaica in 1938, and of the ten seedlings resulting only one survived the first winter. This one flowered in 1940 and suffered little injury during the succeeding years until 1945-46, when an early fall frost apparently was responsible for more severe injury than had previously been experienced. It was named in 1945, before suffering the damage mentioned.
Prairie Sailor is a vigorous plant of upright habit, with reddish coloured bark on the young wood, and foliage that is suggestive of R. altaica. The single flowers are deep yellow suffused with coppery pink, and the petals are particularly firm in texture. The unopened buds are bright red and constitute an important feature of the plant's attractiveness. It was named to honor prairie youth who brought glory and fame to Canada's Navy.
(2 Nov 1946)  
Weekly Notes
Dominion Experimental Station, Morden, Manitoba, November 2, 1946
This document is located in the Frank Leith Skinner papers at the Archives of Manitoba

"Prairie Wren rose is a third generation open-pollinated seedling from a combination of Madam Butterfly and Turkes Rugosa Samling crossed with Rosa altaica.
It is a shrub rose of R. altaica habit and appearance. The large blooms have two rows of petals coloured a pleasing shade of pink, which appear in profusion during the latter part of June. It is quite hardy at Morden.
The cross Mdm. Butterfly x Turkes Samling was made in 1928. This hybrid was crossed with R. altaica in 1936. One plant from this combination showed superior qualities in habit, texture and colour of flower. The hips were also distinctive, being somewhat pear shaped, large, and coloured mahogany red. The open-pollinated seeds from this plant were sown in 1942, and the plants flowered in 1945. Prairie Wren was selected in 1945 and named in 1946."
"Rosa PRAIRIE YOUTH [(RN134 x R361) x Rosa Prairie Sailor] has in its parentage Ross, Dr. W. Van Fleet, Turkes Rugosa Samling, R. spin, altaica, and R. pratincola. Height 6 to 7 feet, vigorous; stems reddish-brown, moderately spiny; foliage medium-dark green; flowers semi-double bright salmon-pink, borne freely in clusters; season of bloom early July and intermittently throughout the summer".

"Of the three roses previously named at Morden only Prairie Youth, introduced in 1949, has found widespread acceptance."

W.A. Cumming, Experimental Farm, Morden, Manitoba, Progress Report 1955-1959
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