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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Compositions: Notebooks and Diaries
(1948)  Page(s) 36.  
[Manuscript of 189?]
Because of all the varieties of R. lutea only R. Harrisonii has the ability to fruit in our area, special attention needs to be paid to the hybridization of this kind. Notes:
1. In dry summers it brings completely full and mature seeds by October 1.
2. It is pretty easy to pollinate with other types of roses.
3. Raise a crop of 5% in the second year.
a) must be pollinated by Harrisonii (mother) pollen Teas - Alupka, Beauté d'Europe. Gloire de Dijon in order to obtain more hardy tea roses, Bourbons, Louise Odier and other Noisettes: Perle d'Or, Bouquet d'Or.
(1948)  Page(s) 36.  
[Manuscript of 189?]
Because of all the varieties of R. lutea only R. Harrisonii has the ability to fruit in our area, special attention needs to be paid to the hybridization of this kind. Notes:
1. In dry summers it brings completely full and mature seeds by October 1.
2. It is pretty easy to pollinate with other types of roses.
3. Raise a crop of 5% in the second year.
a) must be pollinated by Harrisonii (mother) pollen Teas - Alupka, Beauté d'Europe. Gloire de Dijon in order to obtain more hardy tea roses, Bourbons, Louise Odier and other Noisettes: Perle d'Or, Bouquet d'Or.
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