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Selection of Garden Rose varieties of the Nikita Botanical Gardens for use in the south of Ukraine
Discussion id : 62-882
most recent 21 MAR 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 MAR 12 by Rosenfee
Translation error? Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968), Soviet cosmonaut, Colonel of the Soviet Air Force and the first person to circumnavigate the earth in space, can not be meant. He was the first in-flight in date of 12th April 1961 promoted to Major
Reply #1 of 3 posted 21 MAR 12 by Tessie
Hi Rosenfee,

I skimmed the article in Russian, and I didn't see a reference to Yuri Gagarin--but my Russian is pretty rusty, and I could have missed it. Then I tried Google translate, and skimmed the translation, but I still don't see the name Gagarin. What page did you find it on?

The closest I noticed was the name whose letters transliterate to "Gartvisom" in the first paragraph on the first page. It doesn't look all that similar to Gagarin, except both start with "Ga".

Reply #2 of 3 posted 21 MAR 12 by jedmar
p. 48, fourth rose from top. The dedication cannot be to Yuri Gagarin (1956 is too early), but there were surely more Gagarins in the Russian army.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 21 MAR 12 by Tessie
Thanks jedmar I see it now. You're right there could be more Gagarins. Or possibly the 1956 is a typo if the cosmonaut is the intended honoree. Could someone contact the author and ask who the rose is named after?

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