The Rose Bulletin. Royal National Rose Society, (1970-1984)
(1972) Page(s) 13. Autumn. New Rose Registrations. Amleger HT red. raiser Molina.
(1976) Page(s) 11. Autumn journal. Trial Ground Awards 1976. Trial Ground Certificate. TG 3270 MACgem. Good orange yellow, neat hybrid tea. McGredy.
(1975) Page(s) 28. Martin L. Watts. Amateur rose grower and exhibitor; member RNRS Council. Two HT's that have been brought to exhibitors' eyes in the Midlands, by that well known exhibitor Len Wood of Waddesdon, have been ..... and 'Charles F. Warren', which can give some fine blooms in a similar colour to 'Wendy Cussons', and was also introduced about the same time.
(Oct 1971) Page(s) 22. Editor. Our Breeders investigate. One of the more interesting double varieties found on the way is the seedling coded MACsev 661715 IRL. It is No. 1980 in the Trial Ground and was bred from Tiki x [Evelyn Fison x (Orange Sweetheart x Fruhlingsmorgen)]. In this strain, a great deal of exploration lies ahead. (McGredy).
(1972) Page(s) 14. Autumn. New Rose Registrations Drifters Escape Flori. Vermilion. Greenway
(1972) Page(s) 14. Autumn. New Rose Registrations Golden Heritage HT. Yellow. Herholdt
(1973) Page(s) 31. An outstanding example of an old rose is the plant of the Tea rose 'Homere', growing on a wall of Staplefield Church, Sussex (just off the Handcross-Cuckfield Road). This was fully described in the 1940 Rose Annual, with photographs. The circumference of the main stem at the junction with the stock was 26 in, and it is understood that the specimen is still flourishing. As it was planted about 1862, it must now be 111 years old.
(1972) Page(s) 14. New Rose Registrations Jean Kathryn Flori/HT. Pink/white. Ellick
(1972) Page(s) 14. New Rose Registrations Karen Maria HT. Cream/pink. Gates
(1970) Page(s) 15. Autumn. Samuel McGredy & Son Ltd. introductions for 1971-72 will be: Nickname. Conny a pink and white bicolor floribunda with large hybrid tea flowers and dark green foliage. Fragrant, and grows 24 in. high.