The Rose Amateur's Guide, 5th ed., 1854
(1854) Page(s) 103. The Bourbon Rose. (Rosa Bourboniana.) Rosier de L'Ile Bourbon. There are a few Bourbon Roses, of remarkably vigorous habits, scarcely adapted for planting in beds, as all those above described are,—such are Apolline, of a beautiful and glossy rose colour; Louise Odier, almost equal to Coupe d'Hebé in the shape of its bright rose-coloured flowers; Paxton, a vigorous grower, with flowers of the same colour; Imperatrice Josephine, with light blush flowers; Julie de Fontenelle, Le Grenadier, and Sully, all vigorous-growing crimson roses, and the finest of all for pillar roses. They will require the treatment recommended for summer pillar roses in p.35. For light soils, these Bourbon pillar roses should be budded on the Manetti rose. For deep rich soils they will do very well on their own roots, or budded on dwarf stocks of the Dog Rose.
(1854) Page(s) 130-1. Noisette. A new rose of this class has been recently raised in America, and sent to me, under the name of Augusta Rose. Its habit is described as very vigorous, and its flowers as being a fine yellow.
(1854) Page(s) 88. Crimson, however, like our old and excellent Provence Rose, laible to sport; in this way it produced the Rose Bernard...
(1854) Page(s) 88-89. Damask Perpetuals. Celina Dubos, a white, or nearly white, rose of this group, is realy worthy of attention, both from its origin and quality. It is said to have been originated from a sporting branch of the Crimson Perpetual; its flowers are well shaped, very durable, and highly fragrant.
(1854) Page(s) 40. The Hybrid Bourbon Rose. Our next, Coupe d'Hebé, is, however, the gem of this family; in colour it is of a beautiful wax-like pink, and in the disposition and regularity of its petals it is quite unique: this, like most of the group, soon forms a large bush or tree, and is also well adapted for a pillar rose.
(1854) Page(s) 108. The Bourbon Rose. (Rosa Bourboniana.) Rosier de L'Ile Bourbon. There are a few Bourbon Roses, of remarkably vigorous habits, scarcely adapted for planting in beds, as all those above described are,—such are Apolline, of a beautiful and glossy rose colour; Louise Odier, almost equal to Coupe d'Hebé in the shape of its bright rose-coloured flowers; Paxton, a vigorous grower, with flowers of the same colour; Imperatrice Josephine, with light blush flowers; Julie de Fontenelle, Le Grenadier, and Sully, all vigorous-growing crimson roses, and the finest of all for pillar roses. They will require the treatment recommended for summer pillar roses in p.35. For light soils, these Bourbon pillar roses should be budded on the Manetti rose. For deep rich soils they will do very well on their own roots, or budded on dwarf stocks of the Dog Rose.
(1854) Page(s) 130. The Noisette Rose. Fellenberg and Octavie are two pretty crimson roses, and Vicomtesse d'Avesne is a very neat rose-coloured rose, blooming most abundantly.
(1854) Page(s) 96. The Hybrid Perpetual Rose. Carmine and Cherry-coloured. The roses of this range are, perhaps, the most chaste and pleasing of all, as their flowers are, for the most part, so elegantly shaped. General Bedeau, General Brea, Graziella, Robin Hood, and Prince Leon (we need not add the "Kotschoubey"), are all gems...
(1854) Page(s) 34. The Hybrid China Rose..General Jacqueminot is a fine, large, vigorous growing rose, and like Chênedolé, is well adapted for a pillar rose.
(1854) Page(s) 108. The Bourbon Rose. (Rosa Bourboniana.) Rosier de L'Ile Bourbon. There are a few Bourbon Roses, of remarkably vigorous habits, scarcely adapted for planting in beds, as all those above described are,—such are Apolline, of a beautiful and glossy rose colour; Louise Odier, almost equal to Coupe d'Hebé in the shape of its bright rose-coloured flowers; Paxton, a vigorous grower, with flowers of the same colour; Imperatrice Josephine, with light blush flowers; Julie de Fontenelle, Le Grenadier, and Sully, all vigorous-growing crimson roses, and the finest of all for pillar roses. They will require the treatment recommended for summer pillar roses in p.35. For light soils, these Bourbon pillar roses should be budded on the Manetti rose. For deep rich soils they will do very well on their own roots, or budded on dwarf stocks of the Dog Rose.