Der Rosenfreund, 1866 ed.
(1866) Page(s) 151. Hybrid perpetuals. Abd-el-Kader (Rosomene), large, full, dark velvety purple, shaded inside with light red.
(1866) Page(s) 132. Gallica. Adéle Prévost, large, full, tender pale pink; discerns itself by its floriferousness, the most perfect form of the blooms and by its tender pink colouring. Suitable for groups, grafted as high and low standard and is also useful in containers.
(1866) Page(s) 170. Noisette. Aimée Vibert, medium size, double, pure white; blooms in magnificent cluster-trusses way into winter; is however only really floriferous if grafted on a wild rose. Suitable for planting in groups, as a pillar rose or for container culture. She is quite hardy, grows also in poor soil and has proven hardy in many locations.
(1866) Page(s) 146. Perpetual moss. Alfred de Dalmas, pink, edged whitish-flesh-coloured, full and rounded, in large clusters, very long-blooming, mossed yellow-brown. Very susceptible, requires therefore good covering.
(1866) Page(s) 151. Rosa bifera hybrida — Rose hybride remontante. Alphaide de Rotalier (Rosomene), Blumen groß, gefüllt, sehr schön gebaut, durchsichtig hellrosa. Zur Bildung von niedrigen Gruppen geeignet.
Translation: Hybrid Perpetual. Alphaide de Rotalier (Rosomene family). The flowers are large, full, very well formed, a transparent light pink. Suitable for massing.
(1866) Page(s) 141. R. banksiae. Atrolutea plenissima, very full, medium size, vivid yellow.
(1866) Page(s) 138. Die Pimpinellrose; Schottische Rose. Aurora, Blumen mittelgroß, voll, schön rosa, aurorafarben schattirt.
Translation: The Scottish Rose. Aurora, Medium-sized, full, flowers of a delightful pink, shaded with the colors of sunrise.
(1866) Page(s) 141. R. banksiae. Rose Fortuné, medium size, very full, pure white.
(1866) Page(s) 133. Rosa hybrida -- Rose hybride. Die hybride-Rose Blairii, Rose von Blair, Blumen sehr groß, gefüllt, sehr schön karminfarben; Wuchs ungemein kräftig; das Laub sehr schön und fest; verträgt nur einen sehr mäßigen Schnitt. Empsiehlt sich besonders zur Bedeckung einer ausgedehnteren Wandfläche.
Translation: The Hybrid Rose. Blairii, Blair's Rose, flowers are very large and full, of a very beautiful carmine color; growth quite robust; the foliage is very handsome and fixed; tolerates only a very moderate pruning. Particularly recommended for covering a large stretch of wall.
(1866) Page(s) 138. Die Pimpinellrose; Schottische Rose. Blush, Blumen mittelgroß, voll, zartrosa.
Translation: The Scottish Rose. Blush, The average-sized, full flowers are a delicate pink.