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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society
(1928)  Page(s) 204.  
In one case, at least, the record of an individual grower seems to support this view, for it is reported of Lemon that in 1824 he raised a number of seedlings of P. officinalis, from which came P. anemoneflora alba and P. grandiflora nivea plena.
(1928)  Page(s) 282.  
P. decora "The alliance of this is to P. arietina."- Baker. Native to Anatolia, Serbia, etc. Flowers crimson.
Varieties: alba
(1928)  Page(s) 282.  
P. decora "The alliance of this is to P. arietina."- Baker. Native to Anatolia, Serbia, etc. Flowers crimson.
Varieties: elatior
(1928)  Page(s) 282.  
P. decora....Varieties:.....Decora of Monte Gear
(1928)  Page(s) 282.  
P. decora "The alliance of this is to P. arietina."- Baker. Native to Anatolia, Serbia, etc. Flowers crimson.
Varieties: ...Pallasii
Comments on and corrections to this list are invited. Information is particularly desired on the varieties believed to have been originated in Italy by Casaretto, Burdin, and others, for all attempts to learn something of these men have ended in failure.
....Reine Elizabeth. Syns. Elizabeth before 1864; Mme. Edouard Seneclauze; Onyx; Jupiter. Double (Casaretto, before 1846??.) offered by Dessert 1899, 1905. (Königin Elizabeth. Goos & Koenemann 1907; Ware 1888.) offered by Paillet 1889.

​​​​​​​Elizabeth. Syn. Elizabetta. (Casaretto, 1853.) offered by Seneclauze 1846; Leroy 1853; Lemoine 1892; Haage & Schmidt 1864; Van Houtte 1873; Van Geert 1896; Dessert 1905; Old Farm Nursery 1924; Krelage 1867. See Reine Elizabeth.
(1928)  Page(s) 204.  
In one case, at least, the record of an individual grower seems to support this view, for it is reported of Lemon that in 1824 he raised a number of seedlings of P. officinalis, from which came P. anemoneflora alba and P. grandiflora nivea plena. Now this P. grandiflora nevea plena is extant in our gardens today and it is fully typical of the race of Chines peonies. So that, if it could be established that it was a seedling of P. officinalis, it would be reasonable to suppose that many others of the great race may have a similar ancestor...
(1928)  Page(s) 254.  
Haddesiana (or Haddiyana). (Italy, 1867.) Kelway, 1889; Krelage, 1867.
Comments on and corrections to this list are invited. Information is particularly desired on the varieties believed to have been originated in Italy by Casaretto, Burdin, and others, for all attempts to learn something of these men have ended in failure.
...Kenny (Casaretto, 1867.) offered by Van Houtte 1873; Krelage 1867; Paillet 1889. 1919; Yokohama Nurseries, Color Illustration.Tokio Nursery Co., Japan. 18
(1928)  Page(s) 123.  
MME. CALOT...(Miellez, 1856.)...Double type; large; early. Globular at first, very light old-rose-pink with creamy tints in the collar, and somewhat darker center strongly marked with crimson flakes; very fragrant. Tall; extremely floriferous; strong stems. Excellent foliage.
A cut-flower variety of considerable popularity because of its earliness, unfailing productiveness and the general high quality of its blooms.
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