The British Flower Garden, 2d ser., Vol. II 1833
(1833) Page(s) Plate 158. Rosa indica var. Smithii Smith's Yellow Noisette Rose. An upright, much branched shrub, from four to six feet high, sparingly armed with scattered, compressed, hooked prickles. Branches smooth, tinged with purple. Leaves ...from five to seven, and the upper ones rarely ...more than three leaflets...rather a deep green...Flowers about the size of the double-yellow China Rose, but of a deeper yellow, and like the Noisette Rose, in clustered corymbs of from ten to twenty-two, and highly fragrant. Calyx tube...glandular...A hybrid production, from the Noisette Rose, fertilized by the pollen of the yellow China Rose, raised by Mr. W. Smith, of Coombe Wood...It resembles [the Noisette Rose] in many respects, but is of much more vigorous growth, and the flowers much more copious, of a deeper yellow...they are highly fragrant...