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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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(1910)  Page(s) 155, 187.  
p. 155: Public notice is hereby given that the application of Mr. Southwick Cary Briggs of 1719 Lamont street, Washington, D. C. for the registration of the rose below, having been submitted to the American Rose Society on December 13, 1909, and no reply having been received from them within the required time, the registration becomes complete. 
Raiser's Description.
Color delightful shade of deep pink , flower three inches in diameter , semi - double , free - flowering , five to seven blossoms on a spray . vigorous grower and very hardy . Parentage : Madame Gabriel Luizet x Wichuraiana...

p. 187: Corrections. The name "Alice of Ingleside," was omitted from the registration of January 12, 1910, of the rose offered by Southwick Cary Briggs, of Washington, D. C.
(1907)  Page(s) 383.  
Altmarker (H.T.) J.C. Schmidt, Erfurt.
(1906)  Page(s) 269.  
The old gentleman [Anthony Cook, florist of Baltimore] always declared that from his garden was taken the rose which was noticed in George Bancroft’s garden, transplanted thence and propagated and introduced to the trade as the ‘American Beauty’,
(1902)  Page(s) 104.  
Schmidt & Botley, Springfield, O., register the following new roses:
Atlas, hybrid tea from an unknown seedling crossed with La FRance. Shows La France blood in both growth and foliage. Buds large, flowers large, double and of two shades of pink lighter than La France.
(1906)  Page(s) 331.  
Paul Neihoff, Lehighton, Pa., submits for registration Rose Aurora: seedling from Bon Silene and Souvenir du President Carnot. Flowers large and full. Color light pink with a deeper shading in the center. Growth very strong. Foliage dark green ...
(1895)  Page(s) 310.  
For a further selection add....Belle de Jardin. Belle de Normandie. Caroline d'Arden....
(1905)  Page(s) 314.  
Society of American Florists, Department of Plant Registration: The Conard & Jones Company, West Grove, Pa., submits for registration Rose American Pillar...Also, Rose Birdie Blye, Helen (sic) x Bon Silene. Described as an ever-blooming climber, producing clusters of blooms during the whole growing season; flowers, large, very double; color, beautiful rosy carmine and of delightful fragrance.
(1 May 1893)  Page(s) 260.  
At the present time the "voice of the birds" is whispering that Mrs. Degraw and Champion of the World are possibly identical with, or very similar to, that good old Bourbon, Pierre de St. Cyr. [As grown alongside of each other by V. H. Hallock & Sons, of Queens, N. Y., and critically compared at different times by leading New York rosarians Mrs. Degraw and Champion of the World have been pronounced distinct. ED.]
As the latter has about gone out of cultivation, it would be a boon to the country even if its re-introduction should be with another name. What is wanted is a good set of ever-blooming roses that are fragrant and hardy. 
(1906)  Page(s) 269.  
Another of his roses was one which he [Anthony Cook, the breeder] named ‘Charles Getz’, after a friend of his, a celebrated theatrical scene painter of Baltimore. This rose is a climbing ‘La France’ of remarkably vigorous growth and a handsome flower,
(1 Sep 1893)  Page(s) 1: 388.  
Memphis, Tenn. James Stewart.
Our best hardy climbing roses are Marechal Niel; Cloth of Gold (the true one, most of them now a-days, are only the Solfaterre, or the still later Augusta). I saw Cloth of Gold and Solfaterre large outdoor plants, in fully bloom side by side here in 1849, they had come from Buist two years previous; there is no comparison in the bloom, though the wood, growth, and habit are the same. I then discarded Solfaterre for good. Reine Marie Henriette; Imperatrice Eugenie; Estelle Pradel; Celine Forestier; Perle de Lyon; Gloire de Dijon; Cherokee; Margueretta, Jeanne d' Arc, Triomphe de la Duchesse; Woodland Marguerite; W. A. Richardson; Madame Deslongchamps.
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