New Western Species Of Rosa
(1899) Page(s) 12. R. suffulta Stems low, simple, corymbosely floriferous at the summit, the bark green and glaucescent, rather densely armed with comparatively short straight spreading or ascending prickles. Leaflets about 9, obovate, acute, errate, finely pubescent on both faces but most so beneath, the rachis short-prickly and with a few short-stalked glands. Stipules well-developed, sparsely glandular on the margin, their auricles...evenly glandular-serrate. Receptacle smooth and glavrous. Sepals with woolly-ciliate margins, the back bearing scattered subsessile glands...Fruit not seen. Of this southern Rocky Mountain rose I have seen but one specimen, and that was communicated to me some years since by the late Dr. Geo. Vasey, from the meadows of the Rio Grande at Las Vegas, New Mexico. It was labeled "R. blanda var. setigera Crepin," which is now taken by Crepin for R. Arkansana. The name R. suffulta [Latin: supported] is suggested by a circumstance which I have not mentioned in my diagnosis, because I fear it may be accidental or occasional; though it may possibly prove to be a real character. Between the two auricles of the stipules there arises a leaflet, or a pair of them, well developed and conspicuous, though of only one-fifth or one-fourth the size of the proper leaflets; and these are not like the ordinary leaflets, in that they hold an upright rather than a pinnate-spreading posture. They are parallel to the lobes or auricles of the stipule, not a right angles with them as the true leaflets are.
(1899) Page(s) 13-14. R. pratincola [after detailed description, Greene offers this:] I thus designate unhesitatingly as a new species one of the commonest of North American roses, and one most abundantly inhabiting a very extensive range in the United States and Canada...of the prairie regions of the West and Northwest, from Illinois and Missouri to the Dakotas and Manitoba. It has passed for R. Arkansana, and ...almost all the so-called R. Arkansana of the herbaria of the country is of this species. It is found in eastern Kansas and Nebraska but does not occur in Colorado... [then, this intemperate remark about his contemporaries] Probably no botanist knowing, as I know, both the Illinois and Wisconsis prairies and the valley of the Arkansas in Colorado, could be brought to entertain the notion that any species of rose could be common to the two. The latter is an arid and subsaline half-desert country...probably about as different from the region of Rosa pratincola as Arabia is from England; a consideration which does not seem to have entered the minds of our American rhodologist - if we have any - much less those of the European students of the genus....
(1899) Page(s) 11. R. manca Dwarf subalpine shrub, sometimes a foot high or more, rather freely branching, the glabrous and smooth red stem and branches armed with few and stoutish compressed and very strongly recurved prickles. Leaves small, the leaflets about 7,from somewhat obovate to elliptic, thin, sharply but not deeply serrate, the serratures callous-tipped and the larged with one secondary tooth, all smooth and glabrous on bothy faces. Stipules extremely narrow, glandular, the long and narrow though prominent auricles more herbaceous. Flowers solitary at the ends of the short leafy branchlets. Receptacle and back of sepals glabrous and glaucescent. Sepals finely woolly margined and with notable scattered sessile black glands among the wool... Collected by Messrs Baker, Earle and Tracy, on dry hillsides at about 10,000 feet altitued in West Mancos CaƱon, southern Colorado, July 1898, and distributed fro R. Arkansana. The name assigned this excellent new rose is taken from the geographical name Mancos, which is Spanish and also Latin for "the cripples."