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Discussion id : 168-106
most recent 7 AUG HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 AUG by joys of life
This rose was sold to me as Lagerfeld - at Home Depot or Lowes (can't remember which). It is clearly not. However, I love the fragrance and find it an attractive very vigorous rose. Anyone have ideas of what it could be?

Very strong old rose and myrrh fragrance

Vigorous grower, multiple blooms in each flowering, constant flowering

Matte, light green darkening to medium green leaves. Red Stamens.

I'm in zone 6b - heavy clay soil, full sun spot that gets afternoon shade after 4
Reply #1 of 3 posted 7 AUG by HubertG
Could it be 'Fragrant Plum', another Christensen rose?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 7 AUG by joys of life
It does look rather like Fragrant Plum, doesn't it! That's certainly a possibility.
Thanks for taking a guess :)
edited to add: or maybe Angel Face?
Reply #3 of 3 posted 7 AUG by HubertG
You're welcome. I think the red stamen filaments will be the key to eventually solving this, also knowing the roses typically sold where you bought it. I can't think of any other suggestions at the moment.
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