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Rosaholic's Southern California Garden
Discussion id : 129-397
most recent 15 OCT 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 OCT 21 by SFlroses
That is a beautiful specimen of a rose and the combination with the geranium makes it all together spectacular. It is too sad it was dismantled. Enjoy your new garden and the opportunities that await.
Discussion id : 105-594
most recent 14 SEP 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 SEP 17 by mamabotanica
So many lovely roses that you grew! I see that you have Skylark listed. Do you recall how it did? I've got it on my list and am trying to decide between it, John Clare, and Ambridge for a smallish area to go next to Royal Jubilee and Distant Drums.
Any thoughts on the choices above for a Pasadena (10b) garden?
(a neighbor has several Distant Drums roses in her yard and though it says it grows well up to zone 9 it is lovely in her yard)
Reply #1 of 2 posted 14 SEP 17 by Kathy Strong
Well, the garden listing you are using "Rosaholic's SoCal Garden" is my old residence, up in San Juan Capistrano, and is just a "historic reference." I no longer have that garden. I moved to San Diego a few years back, and a number of the roses either died in the move, or just didn't make the cut so I left them behind. The roses I grow now are in my "Kathy Strong's Del Cerro Garden" list, and I do keep that one up to date. As I recall, Skylark was one I left behind in San Juan Capistrano on purpose -- rangy thing, slow to rebloom and I just didn't like it. I know nothing about John Clare. However, Ambridge Rose has always been a favorite, along with Distant Drums, both of which do just fine anywhere in SoCal. If you are a fan of big fragrance, go with Ambridge Rose. Kathy Strong
Reply #2 of 2 posted 14 SEP 17 by mamabotanica
Discussion id : 85-284
most recent 25 MAY 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAY 15 by dxk0021
Please help! We are desperately searching for one of these Ralph Moore miniature “Pink Poodle” roses, either to purchase a plant or cutting. This rose has extremely sentimental significance to my wife and a loved one lost and I’m trying to help her replace this little rose.

If you have any this rose in your garden and we can arrange to purchase a cutting, or if you know any possible leads on purchasing one of these, please, please let me know.

We’re in Houston — please let me know if you can help.

Thank you!

- Darren
Reply #1 of 1 posted 25 MAY 15 by Kathy Strong
I have it, but it is not doing particularly well at the moment. Let me know if one of the others you've asked is unable to help you. Weak little plant at the moment (blame the California drought), but maybe I can bring it back enough to get you some cuttings.
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