Initial post
27 APR 04 by
Hi, may I ask you about your roses, against the fence? They are yellow and very beautiful. I'm curious, how often do you prune them, and how? My desire is to have a full lucious head that is in a way wild and free, growing All american beautys. I have had gardens that I have nipped and tucked, I just was not satisfied with the way they looked. I want the foliage and flowers to be constant, and growing to it's full hieght and fullness. Any info. would be accepted.sincerely Renee'
Dear Renee, if you are asking me as to which rose to choose it depends on lots of factors like hardiness and color you want. My favorite hedge rose is Lyda rose, you can look at it's picture on my rose list. It is constantly in bloom, single petaled white edged pink, fragrant and very healthy. With this one all I need to do is cutt off the spent bloom branches (they bloom in cluster) to encourage more blooms but that's it, I don't have to do anything else. I have a lush, flowering fence from Spring to early Winter.... :)
Renee, if you were asking about the yellow rose in my Photos folder, it's Charlotte, one of David Austin roses, very prolific bloomer and my favorite. Grows up to 7 feet tall with yearly pruning! Light fruity fragrance...Hope I was helpful! :)