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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Discussion id : 123-200
most recent 12 SEP 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 SEP 20 by raingreen
Hi Debby,

I am a landscape designer in Pomona. If you have the time: I have been having problems with "heat tolerant" roses showing sunscald after hot spells--for example, in a client's garden in Vista, 'Distant Drums' showed the ugly brown marks after the high temperatures last week.

I had noticed that many of the David Austin roses remain hardy under the hot, dry conditions. Also the hybrid teas 'Elle' and 'Ingrid Bergman', and the floribunda 'Iceberg' had heat-resistant foliage. Had you noticed any of the David Austins to be reliable for heat resistance?? Is Jude the Obscure heat resistant??

Thanks!! Nate
Discussion id : 85-295
most recent 11 SEP 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 MAY 15 by dxk0021
Please help! We are desperately searching for one of these Ralph Moore miniature “Pink Poodle” roses, either to purchase a plant or cutting. This rose has extremely sentimental significance to my wife and a loved one lost and I’m trying to help her replace this little rose.

If you have any this rose in your garden and we can arrange to purchase a cutting, or if you know any possible leads on purchasing one of these, please, please let me know.

We’re in Houston — please let me know if you can help.

Thank you!

- Darren
Reply #1 of 1 posted 11 SEP 15 by countrygirlsc
Darren, please look on the Houzz Rose Propagation forum. This contact propagates Pink Poodle and may have one available. I am getting one from her.
Discussion id : 87-782
most recent 11 SEP 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 SEP 15 by countrygirlsc
Debby, I used to have Sheer Stripes and I see it in your list. do you still have it? Or know where I can purchase it or get cuttings?

Discussion id : 76-700
most recent 14 FEB 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 FEB 14 by jwklingon
I am trying to locate a Whisky Mac TANky variety but none of the listed nursuries are comming up with anything. Do you have and resources for this rose? We had to leave our behind in Florida.
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