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Cynthia Hart's Rose Garden
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Marmalade Skies ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of anonymous-72
1 favorite vote.  
Citrus Candy rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of anonymous-72
Look at the range of color in this cluster - the rose at first gets darker as it gets older and then begins to fade. It holds onto its petals forever and the sun will eventually bleach it to white.
1 favorite vote.  
Marmalade Skies ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of anonymous-72
Citrus Candy rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of anonymous-72
Here in June, the rose is almost pure yellow in color - in contrast to the cooler weather colors.
Brilliant Pink Iceberg rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of anonymous-72
1 favorite vote.  
Citrus Candy rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of anonymous-72
This rose changes color with the weather - this is a cool weather picture and as dark in color as the rose gets.
Brilliant Pink Iceberg rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of anonymous-72
Calico rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of anonymous-72
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