HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Public GardenPlants GrownPhotosReviews &
Kotka Peony Park
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Rose and peony (public) Garden  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Established 2020.

[From the website of] The location for the peony park has been decided upon together, involving The City of Kotka as well as The Finnish Peony Society. The location at the corner of Puistokatu and Urheilukatu, next to the recently renovated Gunpowder Cellar, was chosen. It is both favourable for the peonies, as well as centrally located for visitors. The construction of the peony park will begin this Autumn by planting about 200 peony roots, which represent about fifteen different varieties (Updated on 27 October 2020: a total of 250 peony roots, representing 58 different varieties were planted in autumn 2020)...... The objective of The Park of a 1000 Peonies will be pursued by expanding plantings over a timespan of several years. This will be carried out by increasing the number of different varieties, resulting in impressive peony borders of both early blooming varieties, as well as later blooming ones.
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