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Another shot of the Rotheca. It's a sprawly sort of thing, but very pleasant even though the flowers have no scent. Handles drought well too (tested on another one down the block). It will defoliate, but bounce back as soon as it gets water. Goes well with roses.
Uploaded 19 MAR 21 |
'Hugo Roller', growing in an old bath tub, with bromeliads and coleus. Dietes, pentas and pseuderanthemum behind Hugo.
Taken on an overcast morning, March 13, 2021.
(I think Hugo will be demanding a bigger bath tub soon.)
Uploaded 12 MAR 21 |
Another bath tub, next to 'Hugo Roller', with two of my favourite plants: Rotheca myricoides and Strobilantes dyerianus.
The two square pots at lower left are a couple of pseuderanthemums I struck while I was doing a stack of rose cuttings. The other odd one at the right is some sort of crinum, which I think needs rescuing from the Strobilanthes. Lurking at upper right is an Osmanthus fragrans.
Uploaded 19 MAR 21 |
'Hugo Roller', growing in an old bath tub, with coleus, dietes, grasshopper and native wasps.
Taken on an overcast morning, March 13, 2021.
(They're fairly laid back native wasps. Their personal space seems to extend about 40 cm from their nest. I wouldn't try sniffing the blooms in the centre, but sniffing the ones at the right doesn't bother them.)
Uploaded 12 MAR 21 |
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