Nippstress' Nebraska Roses
Hello, am father J. Benjamin Williams created the rose known first as Seashore and later renamed St. Therese. I was thrilled to see you have it in your garden. Would it be possible to speak with you sometime? I am Ben R. Williams and my phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. All the best, Cheers
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I'm honored to hear from you and I've loved your father's roses! I keep an eye out for them and have always enjoyed their unique character and exuberance! That is a legacy and I'm glad you're keeping it up. Unfortunately, I lost all my roses to RRD in 2022 so I no longer have this rose. I presume you're looking for a replacement of it, and I'm so sorry not to be able to help. I think I got it from Vintage roses many years ago, but obviously that's no longer a source. Thanks for reaching out and you're welcome to correspond here if you like! Cynthia
Hi, has your comtesse segur overwintered well for you? I was thinking of ordering one from Rogue but zone information varies. Thank you
Sorry I missed your post - I was off rose forums for a while after losing all my roses to RRD in 2022. I have had reasonable luck overwintering Comtesse de Segur but it stayed pretty small for me. I've gotten better results lately by growing on roses in pots with plenty of water before planting them in the ground, so I'll probably replace it. Far better for me though is Dames de Chenonceau. My word, that is a lovely rose! It cascades across a low fence putting to shame the height estimate of 32" on hmf. I'd say mine is a loosely draping 6-8 feet. It blooms all summer and can be breathtaking. It's also cane hardy and tough as nails. After losing everything to RRD, I had to be extra cruel and spray roundup on any stray sprouts throughout 2022 and 2023 to make sure they weren't harboring RRD that would resurface. Wouldn't you know it, Dames de Chenonceau survived being sprayed with roundup at least 6 times over that period and has still survived (no RRD btw). It's a tough cookie and just gorgeous!
You have the loveliest garden! I love to see your photos. Where did you find Candice? I can’t source her anywhere! She is just lovely.
Sorry I missed your post! I lost all my roses to RRD in 2022 and I was off a lot of rose sites for a while. Digging out 850 roses in the month of March was exhausting and devastating. I appreciate your very gracious comment! I'm hoping to return to roses after a lot of replanting and hope it'll be lovely again. For Candice the only place I've ever seen her was a brief period when Ludwig Roses sold in the US (maybe 2016-17). For another year, Agave Farms was willing to ship some gallons including those uncommon roses, but now Agave sells the usual fare and only locally. Heirloom has started to sell Ludwig roses and other unusual types so I'm hoping it comes there since obviously Candice was lost in 2022. Cynthia
How do You manage to keep Mrs B. R. Cant alive in Your 5b climate?
Teas are obviously a long shot in zone 5 and nowhere near as robust as they'd be in warmer zones. I've tried lots of teas and had only 4 or 5 with multiple year survival. The best has been Maman Cochet at 9 years and counting, next Madame Antoine Mari, then variable health and decline of both Mrs. BR Cant and Duchess de Brabant. I have these roses planted in the most protected microclimate in my yard, which equates to a virtual zone 6. Then over the winter, I pack filled paper leaf bags stacked vertically around the edges and midst of the tea bed, which also includes other temperature fussy roses. The filled bags provide a buffer from the wind and another virtual zone's protection for the most part, while still leaving the tops open for some air circulation. I pile oak leaves that don't mat down into the spaces between bags as an attempt to have some surviving cane over the winter, but I rarely have any surviving cane in the teas. With all this effort, I've had surviving teas for about 7-9 years with canes that die back to the ground every spring. Obviously it's something teas really don't like to do and I think this last year was the final straw for Mrs. BR Cant and Duchess de Brabant since they don't seem to be coming back from the winter this time. My teas at best can reach to 3 feet, which is laughably small for the warmer zones, but it's taller than they'd be if I didn't grow them at all. Georgetown Tea is the other tea I'd been able to overwinter for multiple years, but it succumbed to a gardening mishap about 4 years ago and she wasn't spectacular enough in my zone to try to replace her. Niles Cochet is one I have on my list to try next year, since Maman does so well, and I'm giving a go at Rosette Delizy this year just because I find her flowers enchanting. She's a long shot at best, but then so are any teas in zone 5b as you note. It's hardly something I'd recommend to other zone 5 gardeners however experienced but I enjoy a challenge and the connection to history. It's not like teas take up a lot of space here and I'd be heavily winter protecting those beds anyway, so no extra work. I soooo do not spray or otherwise fuss - with 1000 roses I can't possibly do so anyway - but I find this is an achievable challenge that's worth the modest work involved. Cynthia
#2 of 10 posted
30 APR 18 by
Thank You for this extended reply. I'm in zone 6 a or b, but I consider Tea's as a too hard challenge, but wanted to try a few. But I understand, that's paying attention, hard labor, failure and unhappy roses.
I'll keep in mind, what member "give me caffeine" shared: ""Not exactly a 'one of everything' aspiration, but roses from each class, if possible." Ah yes, that. I had similar visions myself, but fortunately haven't yet had the opportunity to try and indulge such delusions. This means I'm currently stuck with a few good ones."
Jay-Jay, don't let me discourage you from trying teas. I know from your many hmf comments that you are knowledgeable about roses, so you have the perspective from which to give these roses a try. I figure it's only a $20 gamble for any given tea, and during the growing season I don't think they're particularly any more work than any other rose. Just keep your expectations modest as you obviously already do, and enjoy the experiment. I don't actually think teas are the hardest rose class - I have yet to successfully overwinter a China rose, though I've seen others in zone 6 say Archduke Charles is feasible there.
#4 of 10 posted
30 APR 18 by
Thank you for encouraging me... and maybe others, to give growing Teas and other gems a shot/a try.
If Archduke Charles is feasible, Old Blush should be too.
Ah, Give Me Caffeine - now you're encouraging me! Old Blush has survived at the back of my tea row so I might give Archduke Charles another try again. I love challenges and roses have a way of providing them!
I grow 'Archduc Charles', 'Hume's Blush', 'Old Blush', Viridiflora', 'Slater's Crimson', multiflora 'Watsoniana', 'Sanguinea' and 'Park's Yellow' which is probably 'Fee Opale' in big pots up against a warm south facing wall. In winter and early spring they are covered by big sheets of glass that I scrounged when a neighbour had a new conservatory.
It should work. They're basically the same genes. They can even look identical at times. Not that OB will ever look like what AC is supposed to look like, but I have seen AC doing a very good OB impersonation.
Personally, I have so many other challenges around here that I prefer my roses to not provide any extra ones.
Cool, Andrew - thanks for providing other roses to try among the China types. What zone are you and do you do particular protection? Give Me Caffeine - the mutability of AC is part of the attraction, along with those lovely dark outer petals and lighter interiors that it can get. He's already on my list to request from Burlington next year.
Thank-you Nippetress. The zone system favoured in the USA doesn't work particularly well with me. Here the winter temperature doesn't usually drop below -6C although we occasionally get a -18C. The problem with roses like the Chinas or Teas that need warm climates is that in this part of the UK the summers are cool and wet which they hate. We have a long spring-time and autumn. In the bottom of a valley, frosts at the beginning of June and the end of August are not unusual, in 2015 after a very mild winter with almost no frost we had a slight ground frost in July. Most people on HMF garden in locations with long hot summers even if they get colder winters the warmth and dryness ripens the wood. Last year we had rain in some form or another almost every day from the end of July until October. It is horrendous for blackspot although I have never seem any signs of rust or mildew. In my climate roses grow much shorter. 'Blush Noisette' can be a climber in warm climates, with me it barely gets above 70cm. David Austin roses, hybrid-teas and floribundas don't really grow well for me but gallicas and their hybrids seem to like my garden. I grow China roses, because I am fascinated by historically important roses, in pots up against the warm south facing wall of the house where they also receive additional protection from the over hanging eaves. Then in the winter I cover them over with old conservatory windows. The only China roses I grow in the open are chinensis minima and 'Pompom de Paris'.
(edit). 'Old Blush' and 'Hume's Blush' grow very well both reaching 130CM with 'Old Blush' being almost constantly in flower. 'Archduc Charles' is slower at about 60CM about the same as 'Sanguinea'. 'Archduc Charles' interests me particularly because you can see its genes at work in modern roses like 'Double Delight'.