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South Australia, zone 9b, mid-spring. Narrowing pathway between Renae on a rainwater tank, and Mme Gregoire Staechelin next to Climbing White Maman Cochet.
Uploaded 27 OCT 20 |
Mid-late spring in the yellow-and-mauve quadrant of the ring garden. Cl Lady Hillingdon, with Leptospermum rotundifolium 'Jervis Bay form', which lasts well as a cut flower but alas has a slight smell of mice.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 11 NOV 17 |
South Australia, zone 9b, mid-spring. The circle garden seen from the house.
Uploaded 27 OCT 20 |
Mid-late spring. L to R Buff Beauty, Trier, "Sophie's Perpetual" and post nudged by delivery truck, Renae.
Uploaded 11 NOV 17 |
South Australia, zone 9b, mid-spring. The yellow and mauve quadrant: Lady Hillingdon,
'Thelangerin mauve' (made pink by the camera), Chromatella, behind an alogyne.
Uploaded 27 OCT 20 |
Mid-late spring. Mme Jules Thibaud. The structure is best described as a folly: if you buy from a cheap hardware store, you get what you pay for.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 11 NOV 17 |
South Australia, zone 9b, mid-spring. R farreri persetosa, R x Dupontii, Complicata. For the SA Rose Society Virtual Spring Show (photos only).
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 24 OCT 20 |
Mid-late spring. "Miss Gibbs' Gallica". Dark pink-red in the centre, purple around the edge. Possibly "Sissinghurst Castle".
Uploaded 11 NOV 17 |
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