Hi, I am contacting you because you grow a hard to find rose that I am looking for. I wondered if you might like to trade for one of mine. I am looking for Conditorum.
You can look at my list of roses grown to see if there's anything you might like. All are hardy to Zone 4. The gallicas and damasks especially send out a lot of runners. Maybe this spring/summer we could trade runners?
Hi, I am contacting you because you have a hard to find rose listed and I wanted to see if this spring/summer you might like to trade runners of it for some of mine. I'm looking for Conditorum.
You can look at my list of roses and see if there's anything you might like to trade for. Everything I have is hardy to about Zone 4. The Gallicas and Damasks especially send out lots of runners.
It's funny you mention that you want to get rid of your lawn. That's largely what I have done. I hate mowing.