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Discussion id : 13-777
most recent 24 AUG 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 AUG 06 by Anonymous-797
i would like to know why one bloom would produce large roses and then bloom again with small roses what causes this to happen?
Reply #1 of 6 posted 21 AUG 06 by Jody
Hi, I have no idea why, but I had a similar thing happen with Midnight Blue. It nearly died during a heat wave. Lost most of it leaves and all blooms. Then it came back just in the last two weeks. Lots of foilage and blooms but the blooms are about half the size of normal ones. They look healthy and the plant looks good, just smaller blooms.  Did anything like this happen with your rose? or any other stress?  What rose did this?  Thanks Jody
Reply #2 of 6 posted 21 AUG 06 by RoseBlush


It is common for roses to throw smaller blooms during periods of high temps.  Also, some roses will actually go dormant during the summer or bloom with smaller flushes.  There is nothing wrong with the rose, but it's just programmed to bloom less during high temps.  Please note:  There are a lot of roses that just keep on blooming just fine in the heat.  It's all a matter of finding roses that like your climate.




Reply #3 of 6 posted 21 AUG 06 by Wendy C
Bloom size is greatly effected by temperature. In cool temps I get enormous blooms. During the heat of Summer, some bloom small while other blooms are really distorted. And as Lyn suggested, some roses simply go dormant and wait for cooler temperatures. There is nothing wrong with the roses, nor is there much to be done for it.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 23 AUG 06 by Jody
Hi, Wendy and lyn, Thank you once again for your advice. I had no idea the temperature affected the bloom size. I really appreciate your help and  input.  Jody
Reply #5 of 6 posted 23 AUG 06 by RoseBlush


Good point.  Sometimes there really is nothing that can be done to help a rose through a stress period.  Over-watering could cause root root.  Over-feeding could cause new growth at a time when it would be burned to a crisp.  Yup.  There's not much that can be done to make the rose perform differently.  It's a simple answer, but we seem to be intent on keeping on trying to make the rose better than it can be rather than just enjoying them.





Reply #6 of 6 posted 24 AUG 06 by Wendy C

Keeping roses watered in high heat is essential. You're right Lyn, there's nothing to be done for the small, ugly blooms except to wait. I feed mine as the weather starts to cool. They always seem to put out alot of new growth then and a nice meal helps.

When the weather is really hot, I try to stay out of the garden. If I can't fix it... it's hard to watch. smile


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