Initial post
6 SEP 08 by
From this photo the prickles appear to be large a hooked unusual for a nutkana rose don't you think. The plants I've photographed all have needle like prickels of varying numbers and lengths and unsually two under the stipuals.
I see your point. I have added two more photos, taken on the same trip slightly further south which appear similar. References are not helpfull on this one.
#2 of 4 posted
6 SEP 08 by
I am slowly putting together a list of plants and locations for a personal study along with some plants started from seeds. It's very interesting to me that a spieces rose can have so many different types.
#3 of 4 posted
6 SEP 08 by
I wouldn't count it out just yet. In the few parts of California where R. nutkana is found, it has very noticeable hooked prickles. The description in the book Trees and Shrubs of British Columbia say the prickles can be hooked or straight. Not helpful for us amateurs, but very typical of species! They are a bunch of chameleons!
Thanks for your response Cass. Greg, in California there can be wild hybrids between R.nutkana and R. californica. In fact some years ago Peter Beals was asking of samples of R. nutkana from here to compare which one he had!