PhotoComments & Questions 
Blackboy  rose photo courtesy of member Pauline M
Discussion id : 168-485
most recent 13 SEP HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 SEP by HubertG
Hello Pauline M,
I'm curious about your 'Black Boy' and whether it is one of the roses from the old garden that you mention on your profile page or whether it was acquired more recently. I note that your specimen displays the rather jaggedly undulating petal edges evident in the two old black and white catalogue photos here and I'm thinking that if your plant is very old it's probably the correct one, or if it's more recent the nursery you bought it from has the correct variety. I've been thinking of getting a 'Black Boy' that I saw recently in a nursery in Sydney but I didn't want to get it if it isn't true, so I'm just interested in the provenance of your rose. Many thanks.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 11 SEP by Margaret Furness
I'm wondering if comparison with its parent Bardou Job may be a good test of a true Black Boy. See Patricia's comparison photo in Comments on 11/10/14. Also my photo 238797, with a purple clematis. The distribution of the shades of red, and a small white eye.
You can see why people have suggested Bardou Job in the pedigree of Restless (which got the red eyelashes, though Black Boy didn't).
Reply #2 of 4 posted 12 SEP by HubertG
Margaret, I had noticed Patricia's comparison photo, and thanks too for your new comparison photo to 'Bardou Job'. I agree, they look very similar. The plant I saw in the nursery had a bloom exactly like Nadene's photo 361516 (27 Mar 21) which was bright red with black shadings, and the bud receptacle shape was exactly the same - long and rather narrow. I notice now on Pauline M's photo that there is a bud or two with the same long receptacle at the bottom of the photo. I saw on Ross Roses' website that their sole photo of 'Black Boy' bears a striking resemblance to the upper bloom in the Armstrong photo and I notice that one of the recent references was from Maureen Ross talking about a specimen planted in 1927, so I'm wondering if their stock is from an old known specimen.

I guess I'm just confused by how different 'Black Boy' looks in all the photos. I suspect it's probably a case of the real 'Black Boy' differing in form and colour throughout the year.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 12 SEP by Margaret Furness
I've read of Guinee, Cl Chrysler Imperial and Countess of Stradbroke being labelled Black Boy.
I don't know if the rose offered by Ross Roses comes from Jean Reid's garden.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 13 SEP by HubertG
Margaret, I went back to the nursery and bought their 'Black Boy'. I'll post more about it in the general remarks section.
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