wow, Stunning! brand new rose gardener here! I just got a mellow yellow I love the color iron I’m hoping that it will start producing it it is sprouting new leaves all over the place, I had to cut it back a lot because it was growing straight up in one spot it was probably 6 feet tall and everyone else was like 2 feet tall. I thought I killed it but I didn’t it’s coming back with gusto and I’m just waiting to see what happens with all this new growth! Cece in New Mexico
Best wishes on your Mellow Yellow. I think it’s one of the best yellows for garden performance
I will second that notion regarding Mellow Yellow - has done quite well for me, now in its 3rd year
My mellow yellow was on a western wall and I discovered that my backyard was 12° hotter than the air so we had a string of 107° and so my backyard was 119° poor mellow yellow was too hot where it was and so I moved it onto a south wall where we get some morning sun and some afternoon sun but nothing as direct as what it was getting now it’s so happy and it’s blossoming beautifully with lots of new buds and it keeps blossoming and is very prolific.