How marvelous! It looks as if it contains Art Nouveau. I wish there was listed parentage. If it was available in the US, I would definitely buy it!
Parentage is Good Luck x. Jamark (seedling from Art Nouveau), Info supplied by Ronnie Rawlins.
Thank you! I've been browsing your wonderful nursery listing on line. You have assembled a pretty delicious selection, congratulations! Well done! I WISH we were in the same country! Though I would be "rose poor"! Thank you for your efforts! If there are any other of Mr. Rawlin's roses whose parentage information isn't already known, and you have time, please ask him for the information! Good luck and Happy New Year! Thank you, again!
We have the parentage listed as ('Good Luck' x seedling of 'Art Nouveau') As the code for 'Art Nouveau' is PEJamark, should the parentage be listed instead as ('Good Luck' x 'Art Nouveau')?
Thanks for catching that Patricia. I looked up "Jamark" and thought it may have been something created for use but not listed, so I entered it as Art Nouveau seedling.
It is a pleasure Kim. A happy New Year to you - and all at HelpMeFind. May we have another year filled with roses, interest and happiness.
Thank you, ma'am and a Happy New Year to you and yours, too, and all here on Help Me Find.