Bordesholm/Northern Germany, July 3rd, 2015. Part of our jungle. In the foreground: Charles de Mills and Great Maiden's Blush. In the middle Ispahan. Next to it on the right Fantin Latour. In the background Felicite et Perpetue (with a stray bloom of Rosarium Uetersen (rather a misfit)). Next to it on the left Paul's Scarlet Climber and a bit of Cl. Nina Weibull.
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Bordesholm/Northern Germany, July 3rd, 2015. Part of our jungle. In the foreground: Charles de Mills and Great Maiden's Blush. In the middle Ispahan. Next to it on the right Fantin Latour. In the background Felicite et Perpetue (with a stray bloom of Rosarium Uetersen (rather a misfit)). Next to it on the left Paul's Scarlet Climber and a bit of Cl. Nina Weibull.