Bordesholm/Northern Germany, June 24th, 2014, in the evening. Nearing end of season. Great Maiden's Blush on the left, a bit of President de Seze above it. Ispahan still with many blooms, Felicite and Perpetue as well. Rosarium Uetersen below it. Behind it, Nina Weibull Cl. On the right, a few blooms of Fantin Latour.
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Bordesholm/Northern Germany, June 24th, 2014, in the evening. Nearing end of season. Great Maiden's Blush on the left, a bit of President de Seze above it. Ispahan still with many blooms, Felicite and Perpetue as well. Rosarium Uetersen below it. Behind it, Nina Weibull Cl. On the right, a few blooms of Fantin Latour.