One or more site guests believe this photo is incorrectly labeled or inaccurate !
I grow 'Rose du Roi -- original', which was propagated by Vintage Gardens as a reversion from 'Panachee de Lyon'. The rose in this picture has different foliage from my plant, and it and the bloom form more closely resemble that of my 'Honorine de Brabant' and 'Ferdinand Pichard'. Based on the pic, I'd guess that the rose here is actually the rose going under the names 'Belle Doria', 'Commandant Beaurepaire', and 'Panachee d'Angers'. The last name may be the origin of the error.
I believe this rose to be correctly labelled, I bought it from a reliable source. I have Honorine de Brabant and the rose are more cupped form and the bush is huge, the wrong size for this Portland rose. Commandant Beaurepaire which I also have is also a huge rose bush, the flowers are not at all similar. They are both very large vigorous Bourbon bushes with completely dissimilar striped flowers. Bourbon roses are not at all similar in bush form to Portlands which are generally shorter in stature and less vigourous.
Thanks for your interest.
#2 of 2 posted
23 NOV 16 by
Well, here's another test -- the true 'Rose du Roi' and its sports share a feature. Look around for buds with six sepals, as seen in the pic below. Somewhere I have a pic of my plant showing this, but for expediency, this should suffice.