PhotoComments & Questions 
Zéphirine Drouhin  rose photo courtesy of member Ilgiardinodeipigri
Discussion id : 60-613
most recent 5 JAN 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 JAN 12 by Jay-Jay
You seem to have the right climate for this rose! In the Netherlands it suffers often badly from Mildew and Blackspot.
Reply #1 of 7 posted 5 JAN 12 by Kim Rupert
That's been my experience with her, too, Jay Jay. I would never deliberately plant this rose.
Reply #2 of 7 posted 5 JAN 12 by Jay-Jay
I tried it once 15 years ago and it fragrance was awesome, but the looks of it next to my frontdoor...yuk.
I planted it there after a recommendation from a friend, because it would be almost thornless.
After a quick start, desintegration set in soon, because of the two mentioned fungi: no leaves => no assimilation => no growth.
Reply #3 of 7 posted 5 JAN 12 by Kim Rupert
To paraphrase Laurie Chaffin, a talented rose breeder and knowledgeable rosarian (who is also a cherished friend), "It's pretty, when and WHERE it's pretty".
Reply #4 of 7 posted 5 JAN 12 by Jay-Jay
Yes Kim, I enjoyed these photo's from Ilgiardinodeipigri (In Italy!)
Reply #5 of 7 posted 5 JAN 12 by Ilgiardinodeipigri
Dear all,
I've experienced that roses are really funny in their mutations : perhaps the ones you bred were particulary sensible to mildew or to blackspot. I have one plant onto the northen facade of the house, no air and pretty no sun : this is the larger one photographed. It has some mildew but exactly like other roses nearby (Old Blush, Baron G. de l'Ain, Princesse de monaco...).
On the other hand some Zéphirine drouin cuttings (the original plant in the northen facade was bred by graft) in more ventilated situation never suffered of anything. Please consider that they are close to some other plants declared by breeders totally not subjected to mildew i.e. Leonardo da Vinci, which is instead my worst mildew nightmare in my garden (I explanted it this fall and moved on the top of the hill finger crossed) sometimes there can be sports of the roses more or less resistants. The original Zèphirine drouin was purchased in Tuscany from "Barni" and other Tuscany friends confirm the strenght of this rose. Perhaps it worth a trip in Italy ..... Monferrato area where I live is the rose paradise. they start to bloom in April, and (even the old varieties) continues until december in a May like bloom flushes. If you planned a trip you would be all very welcomed
Reply #6 of 7 posted 5 JAN 12 by Jay-Jay
The circumstance for this rose sounds not ideal,....and then such a result!
Thank You for the kind invitation and it would be nice to visit You and Your beautifull garden, but alas for me it isn't possible!
But maybe trying this "sport" over here would be awesome.
Bon notte Jay-Jay.
Reply #7 of 7 posted 5 JAN 12 by Ilgiardinodeipigri
Never say never, Italy is not so far...
I would be very glad to send you a lot of cuttings in June : Zéphirin is a little bit difficult to get from cutting so you need to have lot of maerial at the right period for cuttings (june).
please make me a reminder at the right time...
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