PhotoComments & Questions 
Jay-Jay's  garden photo courtesy of member Jay-Jay
Discussion id : 63-600
most recent 16 APR 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 APR 12 by Organic Roses-Honeybee Garden
What gorgeous interesting structures! so tidy and orderly your garden is! i do feel as though I were walking into a botanical arboreum, lol!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 APR 12 by Jay-Jay
The most important thing is: easy to maintan with as little effort as possible and a maximum of enjoyment.
And Yes, all the roses are labeled.
Discussion id : 60-225
most recent 24 DEC 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 DEC 11 by Tomartyr
What an interesting backyard!
Reply #1 of 4 posted 24 DEC 11 by Jay-Jay
With a lot of plants (activity): Seedlings, cuttings of all kinds, half finished gardenjobs and a selfsown walnuttree of 20 years old that had it first crop this year.
The cat-refuge is meant to be overgrown by climbers, so its contours will be softened by green and coloured flowers.
The roses love that place; In 2 1/2 years Mme. Alfred Carrière grew more than 5m!
Almost the same spot a few years ago in winter and spring 2010:
Reply #2 of 4 posted 24 DEC 11 by Kim Rupert
Your garden IS beautiful Jay Jay. Amazing what water can produce, even in a harsher climate. Your photos make for a very nice "rest" from my arid, semi desert climate. Thank you for sharing the fruits of your passionate labors! Happy Holidays!
Reply #3 of 4 posted 24 DEC 11 by Jay-Jay
Thank You Kim for the very nice and much appreciated compliments! I hope you can get in the mood for Christmas in Your semi desert-climate.
Here, there's no white Christmas this year, its about 10° C and Mme A. C. is still green in almost all her foliage.
And I wouldn't call our climate harsh; we enjoy all seasons!
But in a way, You're right. I once became a severe frostbite when I was on my bike at -16° C and winds up to 9 Beaufort.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 24 DEC 11 by Kim Rupert
Your day temps are a bit higher than our evening temps right now. They're forecasting somewhere around 23.9 C today and Christmas, but don't tell anyone, please! It's already too crowded around here! LOL!
Discussion id : 60-216
most recent 23 DEC 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 DEC 11 by Aurelija D.
Oh that is an interesting structure! What it is for?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 23 DEC 11 by Landperson
Maybe a chicken overpass? :-))
Reply #2 of 3 posted 23 DEC 11 by Jay-Jay
No, its a climbing tower, overpass and a secure refuge for my "foreigners": Somali's and Abessynians.....
And of course Roses, Hydrangea petiolaris, Grapes(Dornfelder) and Rank Growing Vine find some space to grow!
(Roses: Erinnerung an Brod, Madame Alfred Carrière, an unknown climber looking like Aloha, Aloha, Easleas Golden Rambler, Maigold and Desprez à Fleurs Jaunes.)
Reply #3 of 3 posted 23 DEC 11 by Aurelija D.
It is a chique cat overpass! Thought it might be the case with your precious foreigners. :D My Siamese would love it, especially now when the patio is wet! :D
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