Initial post
5 SEP 11 by
Looks like my Arthur Bell
Should the rose "Jack L" have a foundling file of its own? There is a photo of a striped "Jack L" way back in the member Jack L's file. Which leads me to question - was 'Arthur Bell' ever striped?
#3 of 3 posted
7 SEP 11 by
Jack L
Hi Patricia,
This unknown yellow HT is one of few HTs we inherited when we moved in the house in 1994. The other striped yellow flower was from a different plant, it was taken in a rose bed of local high school, Both roses have tag on it.
Can I create a new entry for a foundling rose?
thanks, jack
#2 of 3 posted
7 SEP 11 by
Jack L
Thanks for the suggestion, Alberta! One of my friends suggests Celebrity,