Beautiful combo -- that geranium can smother plants, up here in San Franciso Bay Area -- but what a color (and combo)!. Hope you've been enjoying your move. Glad the legacy of your roses is continuing to inspire others!
Your plant combination is absolutely stunning! Could you please tell me what variety of geranium is used in this combo? Happy Holidays, Marina
Plain old vining geranium (so-called ivy geranium) available at any big box store.
Oh... Thank you. So, it is technically a 'house plant' in my area? Beautiful. I think I should try it anyway, even if it dies here for winter.
Dunno -- it's a house eater here. It also roots easily and grows big quite quickly from cuttings. So if I was in a colder zone, I'd probably plant one outside in the spring, and then start some cuttings indoors for the next year's plants over the winter.
What a beautiful combination!