'Cosmic Clouds™' rose Reviews & Comments
Mine is upright and pretty tall having grown about 10 inches in a month after being planted from a pot into the ground. The stems, leaves, and growth habit remind me a lot of either a Rugosa rose, or Marchessa Boccella. The flower shape, and canes look a lot like Marchessa Boccella's.
That sandpapery foliage comes from Stormy Weather. I have seedlings from it, and most of them change colors based on the temps from when the buds formed. Sometimes blush pink, sometimes deeeeeep purple, and all in between. Its wild. I think I posted one seedling here under the breeder codename "Violet Weather". its a handpainted, but the color change effect can be seen.
#2 of 2 posted
10 days ago by
Ooh! I will check it out!
Initial post
12 days ago by
Blue for You X Stormy Weather, it was only a matter of time...
Initial post
30 MAR
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Wish that both this and Lavender Crush were available to us in Europe!