'True Friend' rose Photos
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From Garden and Home Builder, vol. 5, 1907, p. 330.
Uploaded 22 JAN |
Rose photo courtesy of okdb
Same as last photo uploaded. Almost its first bloom given how disastrously wet (literally) its first growing season was. Arms seem to have thin leaf-like wings for some distance below the flowers, whatever that means
Uploaded 21 NOV 23 |
Veneto Italy
Uploaded 15 JAN |
Rose photo courtesy of okdb
Northland, NZ. This was a tiny 2in plug as of winter 2022, planted into an area of compacted gravel by an overflowing water tank in part sun. It spent the next year practically underwater! By spring 2023 it's over 5ft tall and is sending out long arms. She's a toughie
Uploaded 21 NOV 23 |
Veneto Italy
Uploaded 15 JAN |
Patriot, IN, 6b, Sep 2021. Unusual cane with leaves that appear to be undecided whether they want to be pinnate, or imitate a nearby maple tree. Have never noted this phenomenon before.
Uploaded 20 OCT 21 |
In my garden. Arcello, North Italy, May 2023
Uploaded 19 FEB 24 |
Patriot, IN, 6b, Sep 2021. Unusual cane with leaves that appear to be undecided whether they want to be pinnate, or imitate a nearby maple tree. Have never noted this phenomenon before.
Uploaded 20 OCT 21 |
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