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'True Perfume' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2022)  Includes photo(s).
Rose Name: True Perfume 
Classification: Shrub
Color Description: Pink blend
Descriptive Characteristics: Fragrant, ruffled petals and a prolific bloomer on a low-growing, healthy bush, grows vigorously on its own roots. Low maintenance with perfume that so rewarding, it makes a good choice for fragrant gardens! ARC Best Shrub Award for 2022.
Bloom Size: 4 inches
Petal Count: 50+x
Fragrance: Sweet fragrance
Height/Habit: 3ft x 3ft
Parentage: 'Julia Child' x unnamed fragrant seedling
Hybridizer: Ping Lim
Introducer: Altman Plants USA
Website/Catalog  (30 Oct 2021)  Includes photo(s).
The American Rose Center Committee Award for Best Shrub Rose in Bush Form went to ‘TRUE PERFUME’, aka “Lady First”. The rose was bred by Ping Lim and introduced by Altman Plants. This rose produces pretty pink blooms on a lovely bush, with healthy foliage. With a name that includes “perfume,” it has to be fragrant.
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